Interview with Claudia from Guinea-Bissau
 / 18. 5. 2024
Interview with Electrical and Network Engineer Emil from Bosnia
 / 20. 4. 2024
Interview with Javi from Spain
 / 17. 2. 2024
Interview with Briza from USA
 / 20. 1. 2024
Interview with Colombian Juan David Zuleta
 / 16. 12. 2023
Interview with half Slovenian half America Josef
 / 18. 11. 2023
Interview with Maria from Ecuador
 / 16. 9. 2023
Interview with Spanish Lawyer Susana Caramazana
 / 19. 8. 2023
Interview with Husein from Turkey
 / 15. 7. 2023
Interview with Marketing Specialist Ksenija from Belarus
 / 17. 6. 2023
Interview with Yady Lorena Meza Obando
 / 20. 5. 2023
Interview with Tamer from Sudan
 / 15. 4. 2023
Interview with Anna Zuykova
 / 18. 3. 2023
Interview with Saeid from Iran
 / 18. 2. 2023
Interview with David Escorza from Mexico
 / 21. 1. 2023
Klevis from Albania on Enolončnica
 / 19. 11. 2022
Interview about Ecuador and Circular Change in Migrant Frequency
 / 15. 10. 2022
Interview with Aigul Hakimova
 / 17. 9. 2022
Slovenian Activist Katja Utrosa and Cameroonian Asylum Seeker who Arrived to Slovenia After Many Pushbacks
 / 20. 8. 2022
Interview with Nigerian
 / 28. 5. 2022
Interview with Ugandan Football Player and Turkish Software Developer about Slovenia
 / 16. 4. 2022
Interview with Egyptian Model
 / 19. 2. 2022
Interview with the Brasilian Traveler
 / 15. 1. 2022
Food, Culture, Migration, Dialogue and Christmas
 / 18. 12. 2021
Ljubljana cricket club and Temikrest
 / 20. 11. 2021
Al prav se piše kaša ali kasha?
 / 16. 10. 2021
An introduction into migrant community show
 / 18. 9. 2021
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