Burial, portrayal of guilt, Feral Season, Mortiferum, Dope Smoker, Ivory Primarch, Autokrator ...
 / 9. 11. 2021
Atræ Bilis, Einschlog, Eos, Iskandr, Loose Sutures, Noltem, NŪR, The Silver, Superstatic & Vortex of End
 / 19. 10. 2021
Krzta, Norse, Bøg, Putrid Evil, Venefixion, Fustilarian, Of The Wand & The Moon, Veilburner ...
 / 12. 10. 2021
Potovanje v Južno Ameriko človeka dodobra spremeni
 / 9. 10. 2021
... plovba po Mediteranu, III. del
 / 3. 10. 2021
Tempter, Our Place of Worship is Silence, NŪR, Fluisteraars, Mortiferum, Succumb, Lvcifyre ...
 / 31. 8. 2021
We wish you a clear sound and a sharp picture!
 / 11. 7. 2021
Ossaert, Sxuperion, Cerebral Rot, Spasticus, Amenra, Bossk, Siderean, Bong-Ra
 / 29. 6. 2021
We wish you a clear sound and a sharp picture!
 / 20. 6. 2021
Culted, Enforced, God's Hate, Krallice, Kurushimi, Monolord, Mork, Pupil Slicer, Turris Eburnea ...
 / 16. 3. 2021
Oddaja ob izidu antologije del Tiziana Popolija, skladatelja, pedagoga in intermedijskega umetnika
 / 6. 3. 2021
Večinoma novosti
 / 16. 2. 2021
Napoved izdaje albuma .Travnik + Veli & Amos
 / 16. 2. 2021
We wish you clear sound and sharp picture
 / 3. 1. 2021
Nekaj spominov, nekaj novosti
 / 15. 12. 2020
We wish you clear sound and sharp picture
 / 13. 12. 2020
Same novitete za vse težke duše
 / 1. 12. 2020
Novosti za noč čarovnic
 / 27. 10. 2020
16, Panzerfaust, Zolfo, Disastroid, Realize, Uada, Onirik, Ôros Kaù
 / 29. 9. 2020
Void Rot, Consumer, Okkultokrati, Cultum Interitum, Kombat, Snorlax, Keverra
 / 15. 9. 2020
With special guests! Entirelly in English!
 / 14. 4. 2020
Novi EP britanskih grinderjev
 / 28. 1. 2020
We wish you clear sound and sharp picture!
 / 22. 12. 2019
Še pridemo, brez skrbi!
 / 19. 7. 2019
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