Traumatizer, Böset, Badwave, Clean Slate, Sedem Minút Strachu, Urethra, CarlxJohnson
 / 30. 4. 2024
L.Ü.M.P. , Subordinates, Cock Sparrer, Death Ridge Boys, Smog, Ergophobia, Utsatt, Fear of Extinction, Slavery
 / 6. 2. 2024
Dissekerad, Rat Cage, Destruct, Scarecrow, Lost Legion, Cut Piece, Escalpo, 24/24, Epilepsy, Absolut ...
 / 10. 10. 2023
Interpunkce, Kasshuve, PPT, Dente canino, Verrat, Subhumans, Anti-Nowhere League
 / 25. 7. 2023
Bunkerfieber, D​ö​da Ögon, Enter The Grave, Crucified Class, Speech Odd, Pogo Attack, No Work Old Man...
 / 21. 3. 2023
Verdict, Dårligt Selskab, Nøche, Long Knife, Jack-Knife, Cattivo sangue, Paks 3, Unit 731, Pasi.
 / 4. 10. 2022
Temor, Käfir, Denigrante, Løvve, Борщевик, Skrot, Grief Eater
 / 1. 12. 2020
Vicivsected Numbskulls, Gefyr, Backover, Primitieve Blast, Immobile, Accident, Namet, Disbaja, Lüger
 / 8. 9. 2020
Tortür, Förgiftad, Gefyr, Socialstyrelsen, Ego, Fried Brain, Злидень, Bolgia, Hellbastard
 / 2. 6. 2020
Anti-Metafor, Zyfilis, Deformation, Smrt razuma, Bolesno grinje, Future Terror, Kaltbruching Acideath, Zygome
 / 17. 12. 2019
Asocial, Nula, Cesspool, Bad Breeding, Nervous SS, Hellish View. Screaming Fist, Doldrey, Acute
 / 10. 12. 2019
Sedtion, Misantropic, Warchild, Warhead, Nightmare, Alement, Storm of Sedition, Dead Hunt, Strick
 / 1. 10. 2019
Nitad, Anti-metafor, Mar de rabia, Fluoride, Obscene revenge, Los fastidios, Loš primjer, Smrt Razuma, Disbaja
 / 30. 4. 2019
Nuclear Power Genocide, The Bristles, Firstblood, Slapshot, Vvorse, Oppression, Molenaar, Terra Mater
 / 5. 2. 2019
The Impalers, Vägra, Dekonstrukt, Unarm, Fübelt, Alla ska dö, Overcharge, Apnoia, Gränslandet, Punkreas
 / 5. 6. 2018
Spritfet, Displaced, Tragedy, Ballot Burner, Dead Loyalty, Agravio, A68, Vexed, Vodka Juniors, Anaeroba
 / 29. 5. 2018
Äfterfall, Panikattack, Rövsvett, Pennywise, Ansïa, Knür, Addenda, Butrön, Sacrificial Rites, Zygome, Masakre
 / 8. 5. 2018
Exterminio definitivo, Asocial, Dis-K47, Discask, Axillism, Ravaged, Global Despair, Exit Order, Mental Strike
 / 14. 11. 2017
Program, Gomora, Ursut, Svaveldioxid, Mantilla, Scars Of Babylon, Babylon BK, Golpe de ajo, Los seis pistos...
 / 5. 4. 2016
Los crudos, Link, Tsars, Parusía, Toxic Shock, Iron Reagan, Merauder, Providence, Noviot Pochetok, Spank, ES57
 / 23. 6. 2015
Paranoid, Parasight, Derrida, AK47, Anarchus, Black Code, Lust for Death, Puukotus, First World Problem
 / 22. 4. 2014
MOB 47, Bloodkrow Butcher, Burning Bright, Restos Mortais, We Ride, DBN, Fraktura mozga, Scuffy Dogs, RLV
 / 3. 12. 2013
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