Parole 80, Okov, Ancient Lights, Downwinder. Dente canino, Demontag, Absolut, Wasserdicht, Disaffect
 / 23. 4. 2024
Mau Maus, Just wär, Death Culture Deprivation, Rattenkönig, Dishuman, Tramadol, Rampage!, Punk On Toast,
 / 26. 3. 2024
Dissekerad, Rat Cage, Destruct, Scarecrow, Lost Legion, Cut Piece, Escalpo, 24/24, Epilepsy, Absolut ...
 / 10. 10. 2023
Paranoid, Contrasto, Ego, Koridor, Ausgebombt, Castillo, TruexFeeling, Degress, Warkrusher
 / 12. 9. 2023
Régimen De Terror, Deny, Sekunderna, Odpisani, Toxic Youth, xRisalex, Streets of Rage HK, Asinin, Natt
 / 5. 9. 2023
Ratos de porão, Systemic viølence, Resplandor, Lethal., Squander, Blisterhead, Cimiterium, Katorga
 / 29. 8. 2023
Horrific Visions, Plastika, Mossman, Defect Punks, Appäratus, Ovewrcharge, Malignant Tumuor
 / 8. 8. 2023
Paranoid, Fucked Up, Lasso, Terminal, Backfliping dog, Deserve to die, Alternative, Step To Freedom, Barackca
 / 16. 5. 2023
Huomio, Hiatus, Ardïd, Crush All Tyranny, Kavekanem, Heihaizi, Totalni promašaj, Golpe
 / 18. 4. 2023
Value Lasts, Killratio, Repetition, Sauna, Deathfiend, Hez, Inyeccion, F.O.M.O., Social Isolation, The Passing
 / 4. 4. 2023
Dark Horse, The Annihilated, Disgraced, Lukne u zakonu, Ansurd, Degress, Britof, The Massacred, PersonⒶ
 / 24. 1. 2023
Native, Phane, Fractured, Crow, Moratory, Ancient Emblem, Deadache, Svartepeeng, Instinct of Survival
 / 29. 11. 2022
Carne Pa Canhão, Alteri, Gr​änslandet, Los perros, Malas drogas, Culto negro, Nervegas, Luger, Murmansk, GBH
 / 18. 10. 2022
Systema, Abyecta, Pisscharge, No Trust, Deviated Instinct, Anti-Flag, Nula, Stratus, Đornata
 / 30. 8. 2022
Realm Of Terror, Paranoid, Outdate, Death Spiral, Rapid Fire, Apofora, Milizia HC, Social Chaos, Bestial Vomit
 / 12. 4. 2022
Reckoning Force, Shesh Shesh Shesh, Still Awake, Manestra, Chikara, Vox Populi, Odpadki civilizacije, Varukers
 / 1. 2. 2022
DHK, Dispërdicio, Paranoid, Chaos Imbeciles, Streets of Rage, Terminal Filth, Chaos UK, Otroci socializma
 / 25. 1. 2022
Visions of Chaos, Dissekerad, Socialstyrelsen, Antigen, Unsanity Napkin, Keretik, Venomwolf, Skassapunka
 / 28. 12. 2021
Proton, Warfront, Civilised Society?, SkullBasher, Disthroat, Dishönor, Angelic Upstarts
 / 14. 12. 2021
The Pack, M:40, Mentalidad ausente, Mess, Languid, Game, Nagasaki Sunrise, Cloudburst
 / 9. 11. 2021
Dictation, Hope?, Natt, Terminal Addiction, Zikä, Secret Signal, Nagasaki Sunrise, Sakrabolt, Ignite
 / 28. 9. 2021
The Harness, Jalang, Discommand, Warcollapse, Warfront, Warkarma, Emglis Dogs, Global Despair
 / 17. 8. 2021
100% Blood, Svaveldioxid, The Moor, Frustrerad, Lifelike, Social Disappointment, Nula, Bijes zdravog razuma
 / 1. 6. 2021
Rat Cage, Nervous SS, Campaña del terror, Avfart 118, Loud Night, Bait, Reznya, Throwing Stuff
 / 2. 2. 2021
Affect, Löckheed, Phane, State Terror, Terror, Belltoll, Syndrome 81, Disöppen Gräv, Venomwolf
 / 15. 12. 2020
Temor, Käfir, Denigrante, Løvve, Борщевик, Skrot, Grief Eater
 / 1. 12. 2020
Get Wound, World Be Free, Dömesticrust, MaxCady, Plague Thirteen, Disease, G.I.S.M.
 / 10. 11. 2020
Zdrajca, Barrage, Aesthetic of Anger, The Hacked,. Okus, Disgarche, Youth Unite
 / 3. 11. 2020
Tortür, Mutant Strain, Forkbomb, Kratzer, Oust, Bootlicker, Majkan
 / 13. 10. 2020
End Result, Paranoid, Napalm Death. Arrogänt, Demarcation Line, Shellshock, Obodok unitaza, Dirty Divider
 / 29. 9. 2020
Doom, Irreal, Disbaja, Idx, Mrzst, Абсурд, Vaxine, Đornata
 / 28. 7. 2020
Dissekerad, Erath Crust Displacement, Apsurd, Nailed In, Minority Threat, Nainsook, Streets of Rage
 / 21. 7. 2020
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