The Pack, M:40, Mentalidad ausente, Mess, Languid, Game, Nagasaki Sunrise, Cloudburst
 / 9. 11. 2021
Kärtël, Odio social, Oväsen Frontera Kollaps, Bipolar, Dezerter, Barren?. Tombaquatter, Ultra razzia, A.S.C.O.
 / 19. 10. 2021
Doom, Excrement of War, Blasfemos, Laschet Yout Illvilja, Ka'tzon La'tevach, Tempter, Sorrow, Dickless Tracy,
 / 5. 10. 2021
Namet, Lüger, Fundachi, Punjena papiga, Crustalno jasno, Raspad, Insanity Alert, Sidewalk Surfers, Venerea
 / 10. 8. 2021
Dishurt, Reach AD, Turbo Torpedo, Akrabut, Última Sentencia, Karahka, Bug Central, Grandeur
 / 27. 7. 2021
Progress, Kajsajuntti, Icons Of Filth, The System, Belchite, Toro Bravo, Warscum, Greia, Natt
 / 20. 7. 2021
Suffocating Madness, Dism, Rot, Mind/Knot, Criminal State, Extinct Government, Los rezios
 / 13. 7. 2021
Gussanos, Contrasto, Rukous, Svdestada, Kronstadt, The Defects, United Bottles, The Jollars
 / 15. 6. 2021
100% Blood, Svaveldioxid, The Moor, Frustrerad, Lifelike, Social Disappointment, Nula, Bijes zdravog razuma
 / 1. 6. 2021
Ondsint, Paranoid, Ensa, Last Agony, Infra, Anfetamine, Realm of Terror, Clone-Zn Svart Tumör
 / 25. 5. 2021
Körd värld, The Sling Shot, Better Reality, Disease, Gnar, Preokupacija, Dekret, Moratory, Venganza, Dödsrit
 / 20. 4. 2021
Läpsø?, Cruento, Caos onipresente, Utrota, Nervegas, Krighetsare, Juokkohauta, IT!, The Rebel Riot
 / 2. 3. 2021
Besthöven, DHK, Heavy Bleeding, Bordger, Indiscriminate, Anticitizen, Tenia, Kreuzung, Disarmed
 / 23. 2. 2021
Opran Možgan, Gründ, One Way System, Gutterskull, Minoranza di uno, Soviet Order Zero, Blessed Noise, Drones
 / 16. 2. 2021
Böset, Last Climb, Iritator, CarlXJohnson, Smedja in smetke, Neverend, Spy Abuse, Spy, Zero Again, Oily Boys,
 / 12. 1. 2021
B.E.T.O.E., End Result, Usura, Hak Attak, Corpses, Sawtorture, Tower 7, Corrupted Youth
 / 22. 12. 2020
Affect, Löckheed, Phane, State Terror, Terror, Belltoll, Syndrome 81, Disöppen Gräv, Venomwolf
 / 15. 12. 2020
Get Wound, World Be Free, Dömesticrust, MaxCady, Plague Thirteen, Disease, G.I.S.M.
 / 10. 11. 2020
Zdrajca, Barrage, Aesthetic of Anger, The Hacked,. Okus, Disgarche, Youth Unite
 / 3. 11. 2020
Tortür, Mutant Strain, Forkbomb, Kratzer, Oust, Bootlicker, Majkan
 / 13. 10. 2020
Godot Youth, The Chisel, Phantom Hymn, Streets of Rage, Citizen Rage, Combative Post, Opfor, Rubella Ballet
 / 6. 10. 2020
Vicivsected Numbskulls, Gefyr, Backover, Primitieve Blast, Immobile, Accident, Namet, Disbaja, Lüger
 / 8. 9. 2020
Besthöven, Battlescars, Attestor, We The Heathnes, Cadáveres podridos, Mar de rabia, Global Terror
 / 18. 2. 2020
Snutjävel, Subhumans, The Restarts, Zona zla, Parasite, Visions of War, UK Subs
 / 31. 12. 2019
Nukkehammer, Warwound, Ultimo gobierno, Eztafilokoko, Adcitox, Genogeist, Veils, Cashaft, Scuffy Dogs
 / 26. 11. 2019
Disbrigade, Jarada, Ladrona, Gefyr, Mass//Reaction, Fatal State, Venomwolf, Mongrel, Fršlus, FOB
 / 19. 11. 2019
Scared Earth, Kronisk misantropi, Agenda, Disapprove, Cliterati, Causes, Ravage Fix, The Restarts
 / 10. 9. 2019
Apedreado, Sacrilege UK, Sacrilege NY, Withctrial, Chronic Abuse, Frustererad, Chain Reaction, Skitsystem
 / 4. 6. 2019
Nitad, Anti-metafor, Mar de rabia, Fluoride, Obscene revenge, Los fastidios, Loš primjer, Smrt Razuma, Disbaja
 / 30. 4. 2019
Nervous SS, Paranoid, Sex Dwarf, Zyanose, Hoist a few, Havaat, Stepped Out, Sräm, Sandan, Ponor
 / 19. 3. 2019
Svaveldioxid, Gränslandet, Disguise, Subversive Rite, Inner Terrestrials, Zounds, Glaükoma, Toxik Riot, Numb
 / 26. 2. 2019
Irritation, Distress, Warcollapse, D-Con, Scathed, Dystopian Destruction, Communicates, Retromist, Paraf
 / 19. 2. 2019
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