Vse tiste čutne ameriške čarovnice
 / 31. 10. 2020
Kelela, Chvrches, All Them Witches, Spiral Mind, Alkaloid, DWeF, Balans, Jóhann Jóhannsson
 / 1. 3. 2018
All Them Witches, Ordos, Evil Triplet, REZN, Megaritual
 / 25. 3. 2017
Pregled najzanimivejših stoner/psych/sludge izdaj leta 2015
 / 30. 1. 2016
All Them Witches...Correction House...Anthony Naples...GUM...Fort Romeau...Gutterdämmerung...Chance the Rapper
 / 29. 10. 2015
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