Dissekerad, Rat Cage, Destruct, Scarecrow, Lost Legion, Cut Piece, Escalpo, 24/24, Epilepsy, Absolut ...
 / 10. 10. 2023
Visions of Chaos, Dissekerad, Socialstyrelsen, Antigen, Unsanity Napkin, Keretik, Venomwolf, Skassapunka
 / 28. 12. 2021
Dissekerad, Erath Crust Displacement, Apsurd, Nailed In, Minority Threat, Nainsook, Streets of Rage
 / 21. 7. 2020
Päästö , Dissekerad, Infa-Riot, XRDM, Instigate, B.E.T.O.E., Pozoga, DHK, Speedkobra
 / 29. 8. 2017
Simbiose, Anti-Cimex, Dissekerad, Moro Moro Land, World Burns To Death, Blowback, Suffering's The Price, Duelo
 / 11. 8. 2015
Dissekerad, Zynose, Kru$h, Nuclëar Fröst, Countdown to Armageddon, Archaghatus, Six Brew Bantha, Bombatölcsér
 / 16. 9. 2014
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