Dominación, Earth Crust Displacement, Jahat, Victims Of Hate, Relentless Youth, Køntraū, Sangre de idiotas
 / 27. 2. 2024
Excrement of War, Beyond Description, Ironclad, User Unauthorized, Flush!!, Deadache, Heavy Nukes
 / 4. 8. 2020
Dissekerad, Erath Crust Displacement, Apsurd, Nailed In, Minority Threat, Nainsook, Streets of Rage
 / 21. 7. 2020
Chekc Your Head, Disease, Earth Crust Displacement, Koonepistoli, Ljepilo, Omnipotent, Oi Polloi, Open Veins
 / 12. 3. 2019
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