Ali: Kako na lahek način doseči vrh glasbene lestvice (The KLF, 1988)
 / 26. 1. 2020
Deveta edicija krasta na Krasu
 / 28. 6. 2016
Kommando, UK Subs, Worst, Rust Proof, Deafness By Noise, Extreme Noise Terror, Skiplickers, Dry Heaves
 / 21. 6. 2016
Sretan Uskrs in nova godina
 / 29. 3. 2016
Pregled metal albumov iz leta 1994
 / 19. 8. 2014
Pankrti, Distress, Odpadki civilizacije, Deer In The Headlights, Extreme Noise Terror, Anopheli, Urbanoia
 / 12. 8. 2014
Ylivallan orjat, In Defence, Al-Thawra, Foreskin, Choots, Extreme Noise Terror, GBH, In Other Climes
 / 19. 2. 2013
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