Eyescream, Deletär, Entrapped, Disoviet, Dis-kkrimiination, Enkaz alti, Katorga, Home Conflict, Motus, Nula
 / 25. 4. 2023
Hrvaške hardcore legende ponovno pri nas, ekskluzivno tudi nov komad
 / 28. 10. 2022
Defiance, Bipolar, Bastard Destroyer, Ukaze, Arruix, Booze & Glory,Pussy Riot, Bakterije, Anti recesija, Motus
 / 24. 5. 2022
Motus, Deny, Böset, Distrüst, Disbrigade, Disgarche, Nightmare Fuel, Insomnia isterica, Dekret
 / 5. 1. 2021
Wolfbrigade, Svaveldioxid, Skeleton (CAN), Skeleton (USA), Zudas krust, Parötid, Ego, Subversion, Motus
 / 12. 11. 2019
Total Silence, Recendant somnia, Kriva istina, Deviated instinct, Jarada, Guff, Motus vita est
 / 27. 11. 2018
999, Krösus, Pressing On, Life, Kinfe In The Leg, Prisonknife, Amputaatio, Non servium, Motus
 / 23. 2. 2016
Fenomenalen povratek po enajstih letih
 / 1. 12. 2015
Unfixed, Kontatto, Mob 47, Motus, Alert! Alert!, Luvdump, Desperat, Skizophrenia, Beast, Think Again
 / 25. 3. 2014
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