böse& gemein konzerte dresden
21. 9. 2019 - 12.00

Prva jesenska edicija feministične oddaje Sektor Ž prinaša intervju z DIY kvir feminističnim koncertnim kolektivom böse&gemein iz vzhodnonemškega Dresdna.

Spregovorile_i so o tem, kako so v treh letih svojega delovanja dodobra pokvirile_i in s feminizmom prežele_i lokalno punk sceno, kaj sta Feminist Take Over in Zank!, spregovorile_i pa so tudi o transfobiji in rasizmu v Dresdnu ter kako se organizirati proti pohodu konzervativne in skrajne desnice.

Intervju je pripravila Teja O. in izvedla tudi mini govorni eksperiment s trans-vključujočim govorom.

D-I-Y till I die!

V slo. prevodu: böse = zle_i, gemein=hudobne_i. Vir slike: Artourette in böse& gemein.


First Autumn edition of the feminist radio show Sektor Ž is bringing us an interview with the DIY queer feminist concert collective böse&gemein from Dresden, Eastern Germany.

They spoke about how they managed to queer and feminist the local punk scene in their three-year-existence, what the Feminist Take Over and Zank! are, what is the state of transphobia and racism in Dresden and how to organise ourselves against the rising conservatives and the alt-right.

Interview was brought to you by Teja O., who also made a mini experiment in trans-inclusive speech.

D-I-Y till I die!

Picture: Artourette in böse& gemein.

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