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Detajl z naslovnice 24. številke (2016) revije Saiedet Souria.
18. 2. 2017 - 12.00

Oddajo začenjamo z intervjujem z Yasmine Merei, sirsko novinarko, borko za človekove pravice in sourednico revije Saiedet Souria (“Prva dama Sirije”), ki ga je konec januarja v Berlinu posnela Tea H. Govora bo o namenu in vsebini revije, njeni prefrigani distribucijski mreži v času vojne, njenih političnih kampanjah, pa tudi Yasmininem delovanju v Berlinu, kjer živi danes.

Nato bomo prisluhnile pogovoru z Doro Šustić, mlado režiserko in študentko filmske akademije FAMU v Pragi. Predstavila nam bo svoj najnovejši projekt, crowdfunding kampanjo za film z naslovom Majdine poze, v katerem se prepletajo vprašanja ženskosti, staranja in migrantskega dela.

Tokratno oddajo pripravljamo Antonija T., Šiša in Tea H. V živo jo bosta povezovali Klara O. in Šiša.

Prispevek Tee Hvala je nastal med bivanjem v umetniški rezidenci Ministrstva za kulturo.


We will start the February edition of Sektor F with an interview with Yasmine Merei, Syrian journalist, campaigner for human rights and co-editor of the magazine Saiedet Souria ("The First Lady of Syria"), which was recorded at the end of January in Berlin by Tea H. Yasmine will talk about the purpose and content of the magazine, its ingenious distribution network in times of war, its political campaigns and Yasmine's activities in Berlin where she lives today.

We will continue with another interview, this time with Dora Šustič, a young director and a student at the film academy FAMU in Prague. She is going to present her latest project, the crowdfunding campaign for the film entitled Majda’s poses in which the intertwined issues of femininity, aging and migrant labor are explored.

The February edition was prepared by Antonija T., Šiša and Tea H. It will be moderated by Klara O. and Šiša.


Nekaj izkušenj, ki so jih zapisale udeleženke razpisa revije Saidet Souria, ter več o delu Mohammada Mallaka in Yasmine Merei najdete v angleškem prevodu na spletni strani Women On the Front Line. 

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