Nous sommes les delphy(n)s
Novo sezono začenjamo v duhu jesenskega nabiranja receptov za feministično delovanje.
Teja O. je v začetku oktobra obiskala Evropsko lezbično* konferenco na Dunaju in preverila, kaj vse na meniju ponujajo lezbične aktivistke iz cele Evrope.
Ostale pa smo brbončice razvajale v Ljubljani na 23. mednarodnem festivalu sodobnih umetnosti Mesto žensk. V bralni kantini Kdor ne bere, naj ne jé smo uživale v hrani in feminističnih besedilih skupaj s članicami Sestrovščine ponosnega delfina in jih kasneje povabile k nam v eter na skodelico vročega pogovora. Napolnile jo bomo z različnimi temami od gospodinjstva in reprodukcije do branja in feminističnega organiziranja.
V tokratni oddaji sestavine mešajo Klara O., Teja O., Anamarija Š. in Antonija T.
*ilustracija: Laura Callaghan
A new season of feminist radio show Sektor W is starting up with a collection of autumn´s recipes for feminist actions.
At the start of October, Teja O. visited European lesbian* conference in Vienna and checked out, what menus lesbian* activists from all parts of Europe serve.
Other editors spoiled their our buds in Ljubljana at the 24th International Festival of Contemporary Arts City of Women. During reading canteen "Who does not read, let her not eat", we enjoyed ourselves in eating and in feminist texts together with members of a collective Sisterhood of proud dolphin; we are going to host them in the show for a cup of hot discussion. Live debate will be filled up with different themes from housekeeping and reproduction to reading and feminist organising.
Contents of this radio show will be mixed up by Klara O., Teja O., Anamarija Š. and Antonija T.
Tune in!
*illustration by Laura Callaghan
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