Queeristan / Seksizem med nami / Lean In
Ekipa Sektorja Ž se je v preteklem mesecu udeležila dveh odličnih festivalov. Najprej bomo s Teo Hvala obiskale festival Queeristan in queerovski protest proti kriminalizaciji ljudi brez dokumentov v Amsterdamu. Teja Oblak se je udeležila debate in delavnice samo za ženske Seksizem med nami na Balkanskem anarhističnem sejmu knjig. Ida Hiršenfelder pa bo predelala pdf strani v knjigi Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead avtorice Sheryl Sandberg.
Report from Amsterdam's Queeristan festival and the Breaking Borders! protest on June 2nd with interviews and sounds by Rhythms of Resistance and Malmö's Fucked Up Kueers; followed by Teja Oblak's report from the discussion and workshop Sexism Among Us at Ljubljana's Anarchist Book Fair 2013 and Ida Hiršenfelder's review of Sheryl Sandberg's book Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead. The show is in Slovene with interviews in English.
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