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Oktobra letos so v Socialnem centru Rog v Ljubljani na pobudo aktivistk Izbrisanih gostovale aktivistke Ženskega sodišča - feministični pristop k pravici (Ženski sud). Predstavile so svoje bogato delovanje in izkušnje ter potek procesov na Ženskem sodišču, ki je prvič zasedalo maja 2015 v Sarajevu. Prispevek o njihovem navdušujočem obisku je pripravila Teja O.

Tea H. je obiskala umetniško akademijo Valand v Gotenburgu na Švedskem, kjer je prav tako oktobra potekala konferenca »Kaj je feministična pedagogika?«. Tam je odgovore na to vprašanje iskala v intervjuju z britansko umetnico in pedagoginjo Felicity Allen ter Denise Langridge Mellion, predavateljico na omenjeni akademiji.

Anamarija Š. bo komentirala najnovejše vdore hrvaških neokonservativnih civilnodružbenih iniciativ in vladnih politik na področje ženskih reproduktivnih pravic, še posebej, kako bo njihovo izpodbijanje ustavnosti “Zakona o zdravstvenih ukrepih pri uresničevanju pravice do svobodnega odločanja o rojstvu otrok” (iz leta 1978) vplivalo na življenje žensk na Hrvaškem.

Oddajo pripravljamo Anamarija Š., Teja O., Tea H., Klara O. in Ana R.

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Feminist radio show Sector F (Sektor Ž) presents:

In whose name?
Women’s tribunal, feminist pedagogy, “demographic renewal” in Croatia

In October 2016, the activists of The Erased (Izbrisani) invited the activists of Women’s Court - Feminist Approach to Justice (Ženski sud) to Social Center Rog in Ljubljana to present their rich experience and procedures of the court which first took place in Sarajevo in May 2015. Teja O. prepared a report about their inspiring visit.

Also in October, Tea H. visited the conference “What is Feminist Pedagogy?” at the Valand Academy in Gothenburg, Sweden. There, she sought answers to this question in an interview with the British artist and educator Felicity Allen and Denise Langridge Mellion who lectures at Valand.

Anamarija Š. is going to comment on the latest series of neoconservative attacks on women’s reproductive rights in Croatia, coming both from civil initiatives and government policies. She is going to focus on their attempts to dispute against the constitutionality of “Act concerning the medical measures for materialization of the right to freely decide on the birth of children” (from 1978) and their actions' consequences for women in Croatia.

The December edition of Sektor Ž is prepared by Anamarija Š., Teja O., Tea H., Klara O. and Ana R.

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Povezave na publikacije, članke in videe, omenjene v oddaji:


Žensko sodišče:

Gradivo z Ženskega sodišča

Film "Ženski sud" o prvem procesu maja 2015 v Sarajevu

Intervjuji in video prispevek z oktobrskega dogodka v SC Rog


Feministična pedagogika:

What is feminist pedagogy? ("učbenik" s konference na akademiji Valand)

Felicity Allen (ur.): Education

Annette Kraus: »To be hidden does not mean to be merely revealed« (1. del, 2. del)

Jacques Ranciere: Nevedni učitelj (Emanat, 2005)

bell hooks: Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom (1994) PDF




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