27. 4. 2024 - 11.00

Welcome to the episode number 78 of “B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world”, a news program from the international network of anarchist and antiauthoritarian radios, consisting of short news segments from different parts of the world.

In this episode you will hear the following contributions from participating radio projects:

A conversation with a comrade from Patras about an international solidarity campaign to raise money to help with legal costs, as the comrades are suffering a series of lawsuits for their political and direct actions in the city, which is crippling their continued activity. The massive financial pressure on a large number of anarchists of a local movement is one of the classic tactics of the state – in addition to direct violence, it is an additional convenient tool to divert the activities of the group and individuals and to prevent them from continuing their actions.

Here is a link to the campaign: https://www.firefund.net/patrasolidarity

Here is a nearly 8 minute audio update on the Stop Cop City cases and direct actions. This is only things in Atlanta, really, and not solidarity actions around the country, repression cases like the Tucson 4, the national Stop Cop City conference that happened or the 40+ cop city type constructions in danger of being built around the USA .

(this National Lawyers Guild video talks about this https://vimeo.com/914852334

  • Poem done by an Comrade based in Ljubljana
  • FrequenzA

Interview with a comrade from the anarcha queer collective named „severas flores“ based in Bogota ( Colombia ). We talked about their perspectives on what is going on in columbian society and the work they do.

Kilavo seme from Radio Student in Ljubljana prepared an interview with a comrade from Trieste about the project to build a cable car linking coastal town of Trieste to the Karst edge, specifically to the town of Opicina. Since the conception of the project, many have opposed it from various points of view: landscape, nature conservation and also architectural, since the location would directly cut through private land and would drastically change both the coast and the Karst edge. Comrade from Trieste is involved in the autonomous local structures that oppose the project.

You can follow what’s happening in Trieste on Telegram: https://t.me/kontrovo 

  • FrequenzA/Crna Luknja/ lenesx radio

Interview with Lori from lenesx radio about contemporary Luddism – „destroying, salvaging and reusing technology“

Correction on audio: the AI system I used by the state of Israel is called ‘The Gospel’ not „Genesis“, and it is used to create lists of buildings to target. The one that creates people kill lists is called „Lavender“

Some materials for further reading and listening:

essay: Ecology and Revolutionary Thought (1964) — Murray Bookchin https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/lewis-herber-murray-bookchin-ecology-and-revolutionary-thought


essay: Towards a Liberatory Technology (1965) — Murray Bookchin

Together with Ecology and Revolutionary Thought this can help develop a sensibility for technology that is ecological.



essay: Origin Stories: Plantations, Computers, and Industrial Control (2023) — Meredith Whittaker

Great essay on the fact that computing machines themselves were designed to regiment labor by the model of the slave plantation.



book: Blood in the Machine: The Origins of the Rebellion Against Big Tech (2023) — Brian Merchant

History of the Luddite movement of the early 19th. A decentralized movement of machine breakers during the onset of the industrial revolution.


book: How to Blow up a Pipeline (2021) — Andreas Malm

Short book making the case that fossil fuel infrastructure ought to be destroyed. Serves as an example of technology that is definitely anti-ecological, and ultimately anti-human.


book: The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World (2023) — Anthony Lowenstein

Another book showcasing technology that cannot be salvaged. And how Israeli companies are developing technology of war and control, and battle testing it on Palestinian peoples.

book: Resisting AI: An Anti-fascist Approach to Artificial Intelligence (2022) — Dan McQuillan


podcast: This Machine Kills


Great podcast to help keep up with the latest horrible things in tech, and analysis of why it is horrible.

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