Vsako leto isti ŠOU
Na Radiu Študent (RŠ) si pri svojem ustanovitelju, Študentski organizaciji Univerze v Ljubljani (ŠOU), že več kot štiri mesece zaman prizadevamo za uskladitev Akta o ustanovitvi Radia Študent z Zakonom o nevladnih organizacijah (ZNOrg), kar bi radiu omogočilo ohranitev statusa nevladne organizacije v javnem interesu. Status je nujen za nadaljnje nemoteno prijavljanje na razpise in zbiranje donacijske podpore. Sredstva, ki so vezana na status nevladne organizacije, so lani znašala več kot 250.000 EUR proračuna RŠ, kar je predstavljalo skoraj polovico letnih virov za delovanje te najstarejše študentske in skupnostne radijske postaje v Evropi, ki vsako leto uspešneje kljubuje izzivom zaradi zmanjševanja financiranja s strani ŠOU.
Spremembe akta o ustanovitvi bi Radiu Študent omogočile osnovne pogoje za nadaljnje uspešno delovanje in obstoj, za ŠOU pa bi pomenile zgolj prilagoditev, ki v ničemer ne spremeni narave pravnih odnosov med ŠOU in RŠ. Dikcijo spremembe so potrdile vse pristojne institucije. ŠOU je brez težav že potrdil spremembe akta za druge zavode svoje družine, kot sta Zavod Kersnikova in Študentski kampus. Za potrditev sprememb Akta o ustanovitvi RŠ je potrebna absolutna dvotretjinska večina v Študentskem zboru ŠOU (ŠZ ŠOU). Seja ŠZ ŠOU, na kateri je bila tudi točka za spremembe akta RŠ, se je začela že v četrtek, 24. 3. 2022, a je bila zaradi odhoda nekaterih poslancev nesklepčna in tako predčasno prekinjena. Seja torej še ni zaključena, pristojni za njeno nadaljevanje pa, kakor so nam sporočili, ne vedo, kdaj se bo nadaljevala.
Za ureditev zakonskih pogojev za nemoteno delovanje RŠ so odgovorni tudi trije predstavniki ustanovitelja ŠOU v Svetu zavoda RŠ, direktor ŠOU v Ljubljani, Andrej Klasinc, in dva poslanca Skupine Povezani, njen vodja, Aleksandar Miličević, ter njen član, Omar Smajlović. Medtem ko sta omenjena člana seje Sveta zavoda RŠ od decembra lani redno obstruirala, se je Andrej Klasinc kot prvi predstavnik ustanovitelja, ki je nenazadnje odgovoren tudi za zakonitost poslovanja ŠOU in funkcionalno sodelovanje z zavodi, odločil bolj za vlogo nemega opazovalca. Deklarativno podporo Radiu Študent v "boju za spremembo Akta o ustanovitvi RŠ" je prejšnji teden na družbenem omrežju Facebook izrekla koalicijska skupina ŠOU Modro za študente, ki deluje pod taktirko predsednika ŠOU, Klemna Petka. A bolj kot javno izraženo podporo v tem trenutku potrebujemo konkretne rešitve, to je čimprejšnji sklic nadaljevanja seje in potrditev sprememb akta.
Rok, do katerega bi morali uskladiti akt z ZNOrg, je potekel 31. 3. 2022. Od predsednika ŠZ ŠOU, Roka Dolenca, in predsednika ŠOU, Klemna Petka, zato zahtevamo čimprejšnji sklic za nadaljevanje seje ŠZ ŠOU, na kateri bomo predstavniki RŠ lahko predstavili nujnost spremembe akta. Vodje poslanskih skupin ter poslanke in poslance pozivamo, da zagotovijo sklepčnost seje ter potrdijo predlagane spremembe. Te bodo omogočile nadaljnje uspešno delovanje Radia Študent na številnih področjih dejavnosti v širšem javnem interesu.
For the past four months we at Radio Študent (RŠ) have been attempting to persuade our founder, Student organisation of the University of Ljubljana (ŠOU LJ), to harmonise our Establishment Act with the Law on Non-governmental organisations, which would allow the radio to keep its current status of an NGO serving in the public interest. This status is of utmost importance if we are to continue applying to various projects and accepting donations. The sum of all funds, directly tied to our NGO status, surpassed 250.000 EUR last year, meaning they represented nearly half of the budget, enabling the oldest student and community radio station in Europe to be up and running despite yearly challenges presented by ŠOU's continuous attempts to lower its stake in RŠ's funding.
The proposed changes to the Establishment Act would create basic conditions under which Radio Študent could continue to operate. On the other hand, said changes would not in any way change the legal relationship between RŠ and ŠOU. The changes in wording of the Act had been confirmed by all relevant institutions. ŠOU already confirmed such changes to Establishment Acts of other institutions which operate under its banner with no hesitation. To change the RŠ Establishment Act, an absolute majority is needed in the ŠOU Student Chamber (ŠZ ŠOU). The ŠZ ŠOU session where the needed changes were on the agenda commenced on Thursday, 24 March 2022, however, the meeting was cut short due to some members of the chamber leaving early. Hence, the session is not over yet and the individuals in charge of its continuation have told us that they have no information when the session is planned to go ahead.
The individuals responsible to ensure legal conditions for RŠ's orderly functioning are the trio of ŠOU's representatives in Radio Študent's Council: ŠOU Director Andrej Klasinc and the two representatives of major coalition group Povezani, their leader Aleksandar Miličević, and member Omar Smajlović. Whilst the pair has been frequently obstructing sessions of the RŠ Council since December last year, Andrej Klasinc, serving as head of the founder organisation and therefore the person responsible for the legality of all ŠOU's operations, opted for the role of the silent spectator. The junior coalition partner in the current ŠOU government, Modro za študente, which operates under the leadership of ŠOU President Klemen Petek, took to Facebook to declare their support for the needed changes in the RŠ Establishment Act. Although we welcome the gesture, we have to point out that what is actually needed now is the session to be reassembled as soon as possible so that the changes to the Establishment Act can be approved in time.
The deadline, with which these changes had to be implemented, had already passed on 31 March 2022. We therefore call on president of ŠOU Student Chamber Rok Dolenc and ŠOU President Klemen Petek to ensure the continuation of the session where RŠ representatives will be able to present the urgency with which these changes have to be approved. We call on all members and all group leaders within ŠOU Student Chamber to ensure the quorum and approve said changes. Only then will Radio Študent be able to successfully continue its work in the public interest.
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