Dark Harvest Commandos, Siege Fire, Corrective Measure, Indikator B, Malginant Order, Nabod!, Majak, Nausea
 / 21. 5. 2024
Ikhras, Kriegshög, Castigo, Fear Of The Known, Abolition, Nucleartid, GreenxCrack, Nonconformist, D.I.
 / 7. 5. 2024
Barrows, Usura, Flower, Die In Vain, Death By Systems, Hyacinth, First Flame, Vampire
 / 2. 1. 2024
Konventio, Stingray, Woodstock '99, Agathocles, Bakounine, Active Minds, Pivnica, Ego
 / 17. 10. 2023
Mutant Strain, Barrage, Glista, Sympose, Killratio, Mock Execution, Survived By Nothing
 / 26. 9. 2023
»muzka za se tepst na bencinski!« *JV
 / 26. 9. 2023
Hrupna pankčina iz Avstralije in kanadski 80's HC!
 / 28. 8. 2023
Dispair, Rat Cage, Karöshi, Matrak Attakk, Persona non data, Phosphore, Nevelat Habala, Estriknina, Ahna, AK47
 / 23. 5. 2023
Paranoid, Fucked Up, Lasso, Terminal, Backfliping dog, Deserve to die, Alternative, Step To Freedom, Barackca
 / 16. 5. 2023
Intra apogeum króluje nade mną
 / 12. 5. 2023
Tarrega 91, Warcycle, Negative Prayer, Lost Culture, Dismenol, Meskea, Generation Decline, Híëna, Iritator
 / 2. 5. 2023
Ameriški noise d-beat in besni singapurski hardcore
 / 22. 2. 2023
Dark Horse, The Annihilated, Disgraced, Lukne u zakonu, Ansurd, Degress, Britof, The Massacred, PersonⒶ
 / 24. 1. 2023
Visions of War, Warkrusher, Prisão, Skorup/a, Rat Cage, Hëx, Constriction, Sandy Good, Warcrimes, Broken Bomb
 / 22. 11. 2022
Disaffect, War//Plague, Crutches, Yleset Syyt, Sacro cuore, M.D.C. Spy Abuse, Strayaway, Pus pus pus
 / 15. 11. 2022
Savagheads, Nervy, Skrot, Mock Execution, Disguy, Reticent, R.I.P.
 / 27. 9. 2022
Čikaška doom in gloom hardcore punk bomba
 / 8. 7. 2022
10,000 Years, Axioma, Chaotian, Mock Execution, Ohyda, Scumslaught, Verberis in Krallice
 / 5. 7. 2022
Disable, Löckheed, Forclose, Drogato, Povernir oscuro, Psico galera, Matral Attakk, Toxic Waste, Jalang
 / 22. 6. 2021
Exil, Brüd, Night War, Maladia, Ardïd, Mist Of Doom, Cross Stitched Eyes, Koridor
 / 13. 4. 2021
Chörnobyl, Deny, Rawheads, Slund, Reaksi, Psychowär, Perdition sect, Rancid, Rapchura, Knifeman
 / 6. 4. 2021
Rat Cage, Nervous SS, Campaña del terror, Avfart 118, Loud Night, Bait, Reznya, Throwing Stuff
 / 2. 2. 2021
Eyes Of Society, Bipolar, Walk Alone, The Chisel, Fear of the Known, Children of Technology, War Now, Disgyera
 / 26. 1. 2021
Totalitär, Kramola, Drogato, Dance On Your Grave, Nekra, Coffin Varnish, Dead Cells, Misery
 / 24. 11. 2020
Una Cosa Más Sin Sentido Alguno Usada Para Hacer Rico Al Mismo De Siempre
 / 18. 11. 2020
Hrupni HC iz Avstralije in starinski pank s Finske
 / 28. 10. 2020
Godot Youth, The Chisel, Phantom Hymn, Streets of Rage, Citizen Rage, Combative Post, Opfor, Rubella Ballet
 / 6. 10. 2020
Besthöven, Disjawn, Milksnake, xRisalex, Sanity Control, Cavalerie, Lipm Wrost, The Passing
 / 1. 9. 2020
Doom, Irreal, Disbaja, Idx, Mrzst, Абсурд, Vaxine, Đornata
 / 28. 7. 2020
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