Tu ets un pank

2. 5. 2023 - 23.00
 / Subway

S U B W Y  1 3 7 4 / 1 6 6 8  torek, 2/5.2023. ob 23-ih

Nov španski band Tàrrega 91' ter nova EP-ja crusterjev Warcycle iz Australije in Negative Prayer iz Kalifornije ter berlinski punk Lost Culture. Od koncertov: Dismenol, Meskea, Generation Decline, Híëna, Smedja in smetke, Iritator, Fuck Sorry! in Caloris Impact.

TARREGA 91 – "Fill de la merda" 7"EP (2023, La vida es un mus)

- Tu ets un pank

– Tàrrega 91'

- Autoproclama De L'esclavitut Total

WARCYCLE – Manifesting Barbarity" 7" EP (2023, Televised Suicide)

- Vicious Panic

– Manifesting Barbarity

– Who Will Survive?

NEGATIVE PRAYER – s7t 7"EP (2023)

- Hell

– Morbid

DISMENOL – s/t LP (2021)

- Make Love

– Liar

MESKEA – "D​ö​dsrain"  EP (2023)

-  Hypocrisy Land

GENERATION DECLINE - "Death of Hubris" LP (2020)

- Need to Scream– Apocalypse Selfie

– Detained

HIËNA – "The Preacher" EP (2022)

- The Utopian

– The Hyaenidae


- Dilerja dreka (2023)

IRITATOR – split w/. Odpadki civilizacije

- Banned from MC

FUCK SORRY! – "Eat Shit!" LP (2021)

- Eat Shit

CALORIS IMPACT – split w/. Lost Culture (2022)

- Oldschool


- 1984

Od koncertov:

(četrtek) 4.5. Ljubljana, Jalla Jalla: Dismenol, Meskea,

(petek) 5.5. Ljubljana, Gromka: Caloris Impact, Fuck Sorry!, Iritator;

(petek) 5.5. Rijeka, Podrum 15 let: AK-47, Last Baraž, Mazut, The Jackson Pollock;

(sobota) 6.5. Rijeka, Podrum 15 let: The Truth, Meskea, Greia, Gfrast, Dismenol;


(torek) 9.5. Ljubljana, Gromka: Generation Decline, Hiena, Smedja in smetke;



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