Anguished Life, DSM-5, G.A.Z.E., Kibera, Active Minds, Vejamen, Strayaway, Puspuspus, Iritator, Glista...
 / 7. 2. 2023
Alt-country prvak Tvornice
 / 17. 7. 2017
It goes, it goes, it goes, it goes It goes, it goes, it goes, it goes, it goes, it goes, it goes, it goes
 / 10. 6. 2017
Vrel lonec rocka*
 / 21. 3. 2017
Utanförskapet, Wolfbrigade, Martyrdöd, Adrestia, The Virus, L.I.F.E., Zudas Krust, Past Forward, Tetrapank
 / 14. 3. 2017
Senca in Kemik z izkopom iz zbirke Afrike Bambaate v zagrebški Tvornici
 / 10. 2. 2015
Pazahora, Enslave, III kategorija, Čao pičke, Debeli precjednik, Tožibabe, Left To Starve, Irrsinn,
 / 30. 9. 2014
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