Četrtkova vrteča glasbena oprema

28. 6. 2012 - 11.00

Študentke fotografije, razvijte že tiste posnetke, ki ste jih ustvarile s fotoaparatom za enkratno uporabo. Dolgonoga monosilabična mladenka, povej še enkrat zgodbo o tvojem teku na osem kilometrov. Oprema je tukaj, AGRFT-jevec. Zaposleni v javnem sektorju, zaporedne številke izbranih skladb vstavite sami.

Od enajste do petnajste ure.

Get the Blessing - Adagio in Wot Minor

Devils Brigade - Ride Harley

King Automatic - Miss Phenomenal

The King khan & BBQ Show - I'll be loving You

Azra - A šta da radim

Vlasta Popić - Promjena

Čao Portorož - Port Maria

Black Mamba Rockexplosion - Day After

Moon Duo - Motorcycle, I Love You

Sonic Youth - Anti-orgasm

Ne vem Ne vem - Konvoj

Dandelion Children - Make Believe

Jure Pukl Abstract Society - The mind and the soul

L'orkestre des pas perdus - Piece a Conviction

Robert Jukič - The Funeral

Hepcat - I Can't Wait

The Aggrolites - You got 5

Clarence Curvan & His Mod Sounds - Calypsoul

Willie Colon - The Hustler

Mulatu Astatke - Mulatu's Mood

Menahan Street Band - Esma

Calexico - Letter to Bowie Knife

Shearwater - Dread Sovereign

The War on Drugs - Baby Missiles

The Horrors - Who Can Say

Moffarammes - The eye of Horus

New Order - The Him

Bilk - Gone to Texas

Lunar - Dancefloor žgaba

Hot Springs - Tiny Islands

British Sea Power - No Lucifer

Bloc Party - Waiting for the 7.18

Arctic Monkeys - Library Pictures

Broken.heart.collector - The average Weight of Love

The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble - Embers

Scott Kelly - Figures

Charles Lloyd Quartet - I fall in Love too Easily

John Zorn - Laughing Owl

Shelley Short - The Dark Side

Atlas Sound - Criminals

Destroyer - Introducing Angels

Narat - Režem ovinke

U.S. Bombs - Her & Me

The Black keys - Money Maker

The Suzukis - Boring Hell

Bakalina - Banda kravatarska

Kvinton - Vedno k tebi grem

Guess What - Vostok Tango

The Dead weather - I'm mad

Obojeni program - Kako to misliš: mi

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