live-evil retrovizor III.
20200606 live-evil retrovizor III. … rsusic
01/ čompe - zamolkla bolečina 3:08
02/ les tambours du bronx – pneumothorax 3:04
03a/ kraftwerk – geigerzahler 1:35
03b/ kraftwerk – computerwelt 5:11
04/ depeche mode - something to do 3:54
05/ tabletarijum - rege sprege 6:25
06/ psihedelavci - smisel sistema 4:51
07/ the velvet underground - some kinda love 4:51
08/ ekatarina velika - ljudi iz gradova 4:36
09/ električni orgazam - fras u šupi 4:42
10/ happy mondays - kinky afro 8:07
11/ the stone roses - i wanna be adored 5:53
12/ vlada divljan & ljetno kino – kenozoik 2:20
13/ darko rundek – zumbul 3:10
14/ duo 'zlatni zubi' - same prave stvari 3:01
15/ rambo amadeus - fap mašina 6:01
16/ bitcharke na travi - odlikašice sexa 3:51
17/ kultur shock – hanuma 3:40
18/ 16 horsepower - brimstone rock 6:47
19/ iggy and the stooges - i wanna be your dog 5:22
20/ dead moon - running scared 3:26
2/1 majke - izazivajmo nerede 5:06
22/ nakajima - john hitlerado 2:44
23/ asian dub foundation feat. chuck d - son of a bush 5:57
24/ rage against the machine - bullet in the head 5:43
25a/ biohazard - (german lesson #7) 0:41
25b/ biohazard - shades of grey 3:54
26/ helmet – sinatra 4:46
27/ killdozer - knuckles the dog 5:11
28/ nirvana - negative creep 2:44
29/ the jesus lizard - killer mchann 2:59
30/ black flag - nervous breakdown 2:06
31/ anti-nowhere league - wreck a nowhere 3:16
32/ kud idijoti – cirkus 2:10
33/ bad brains - sacred love 3:27
34/ the meatmen - mr. tapeworm 0:53
35/ no use for a name - the answer is still no 2:30
36/ parquet courts - duckin' & dodgin' 4:54
37/ future of the left - fingers become thumbs 3:13
38/ firehose - makin' the freeway 2:15
39/ ian dury - clevor trever 5:12
40/ blondie - detroit 442 2:35
41/ public image limited – memories 5:24
42/ bauhaus - stigmata martyr 3:35
43/ joy division - new dawn fades 4:06
44/ mizar – dožd 3:33
45a/ obojeni program – (reporter) 1:45
45b/ obojeni program – kočnice 252
46/ šarlo akrobata - niko kao ja 1:38
47/ beogradska prevara uličnog i nadzemaljskog sjaja - tata, opravi mi vrata 7:30
48/ neprijatno mi je – mikser 3:44
49/ 100g's – faljersa 2:27
50/ let 3 -ne trebam te 4:46
51/ punčke - jesen u new yorku 3:12
52/ the international noise conspiracy - a small demand 4:53
53/ pj harvey - down by the water 3:12
54/ pixies – caribou 3:17
55/ jane's adiction – pigs 5:14
56/ butthole surfers – pepper 5:29
57/ faith no more - we care a lot 3:50
58/ system of a down - prison song 3:32
59a/ joke - intro concert 0:45
59b/ joke - le monde bouge 5:32
60/ cesaria evora - cinturao tem mele 3:30
61/ front 242 - in rhythmus bleiben 4:33
62/ massive attack - safe from harm 7:19
63/ pižama - kdo je ubil rožleta 5:01
64/ morphine - cure for pain 3:12
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