proti soncu, proti vetru, proti vodi!!!

Mnenje, kolumna ali komentar
10. 7. 2021 - 14.00

20210710 proti soncu, proti vetru, proti vodi!!! ... rsusic...


01a/ sand – water 1:19

01b/ nostalgija - tječe, tječe, bistra uoda, bistra uoda bistr'ca 2:55


02/ canzoniere grecanico salentino - mara l'acqua 2:04

03/ phoenician drive - aguas del olvido 6:18

04/ cibo matto - aguas de marco 3:17

05/ coil presents black light district - green water 5:27

06/ ekatarina velika – voda 7:46

07/ marinada – voda 2:11

08/ swans - the daughter brings the water 2:41

09/ frank zappa - let's make the water turn black 2:01


10a/ nina hagen - fisch im wasser 1:00

10b/ water1 0:14


11/ public image limited - blue water 3:40

12/ don't - water nation 2:42

13/ električni orgazam - voda u moru 1:42

14/ jarboli - voda kaplje 2:58 

15/ metz - knife in the water 2:13

16/ arctic flowers - hallow water 2:56

17/ foetus - water torture 3:42

18/ silver apples – water 4:18

19/ ресторан – voda 5:47


20a/ water2 0:05

20b/ alcotronic - krv nije voda 4:34


21/ žen - voda je more 4:07

22/ chicks on speed - kaltes klares wasser 4:33

23/ pj harvey - down by the water 3:15

24/ mark lanegan band - bleeding muddy water 6:20

25/ nick cave & the bad seeds - muddy water 5:18

26/ incurabili – water 3:05

27/ th' legendary shack shakers - somethin' in the water 2:49


28a/ king gizzard & the lizard wizard - hot water 3:29

28b/ nina bulatovix - topla voda 3:19

28c/ otroci socializma - mlačna voda 2:44

28d/ the jesus lizard - cold water 2:49


29/ tomahawk - rise up dirty waters 3:09

30/ blonde redhead – water 4:42


31a/ water 1 0:14

31b/ dinosaur jr – water 5:38


32/ jane's addiction - splash a little water on it 5:14

33/ mudhoney - poisoned water 2:45

34/ soundgarden - holy water 5:08

35/ the melvins - the water glass 4:16

36/ dickless tracy - dark water 2:50

37/ ceremony - troubled waters 0:34

38/ the hoax program – water 2:25

39/ overflow – water 3:09


40a/ sand – water 1:19

40b/ laufer - moja voda 4:15


41/ bilja krstić - voda studena 1:44

42/ rambo amadeus - ašik mlaka voda meraklijska 1:59

43/ nada mamula - mošćanice vodo plemenita 5:35

44/ vanja lazarova - tamu le dolu voda mi doteče 4:44

45/ leb i sol - pod vodom 5:05

46/ uroš rakovec trio – voda-water 5:16

47/ kampec dolores + grencsó istván - vizorszag (water country) 6:59

48/ sch - water feed water 7:21

49/ this mortal coil - dreams are like water 8:38


50a/ the cure - the same deep water as you 6:06

50b/ water1 0:14


51/ a certain ratio - knife slits water 7:35

52/ voodoo popeye – vodoinstalater 4:33

53/ agua de annique - ice water 4:09

54/ hesperian death horse - elu (part 2 – voda) 7:28

55/ co.da - force that threads the water 4:11

56/ deep purple - smoke on the water 5:40

57/ violent femmes - jesus walking on the water 3:08

58/ wera bestrd – voda 3:22

59/ tom waits - cold water 5:23

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