Native, Phane, Fractured, Crow, Moratory, Ancient Emblem, Deadache, Svartepeeng, Instinct of Survival
 / 29. 11. 2022
Social Distance, Ruidosa inmundicia, Wolfbastard, Statclone, Le Tunnel De L'enfer, Pestis Srácok, Kikärtor
 / 8. 2. 2022
Warring/Factions, Nervy, La Piena, Barren Soil, Wartodox, Home Conflict, A.F.K., Oust
 / 2. 11. 2021
Varoitus, Parasit, Skitklass Phantom Hymn, Convince. Terminal Addicition, Scum Liquer, Plague Dogs
 / 28. 4. 2020
Wolfbrigade, Svaveldioxid, Skeleton (CAN), Skeleton (USA), Zudas krust, Parötid, Ego, Subversion, Motus
 / 12. 11. 2019
Osmantikos, Illvillja, Myteri, Procrastinate, Cut lon, Distric 105, 7Uppercuts, FNC Diverzant, Oblivious
 / 9. 4. 2019
Snake Tongue, The Seeker, Wall Breaker, Suburbanite, Erosion, Foza común, The Instigators
 / 8. 1. 2019
No Relics, Blood Pressure, K-19, Lutra, Fatum, The Execute, Rotten Cold, Glista, Goblini
 / 20. 11. 2018
Tragedy, Rotta, Hard Left, Sewer Trench, Subdued, C.L.A.W., Tempestat, Makot Bruce Lee, Kurve, E.O.W.
 / 11. 9. 2018
Deny, Bonfire, Fol jazik, Saraceni, Parketi, Državen udar, Verkrust, Ferox Fucking Ferox, Müerte, Ponor
 / 12. 6. 2018
Spritfet, Displaced, Tragedy, Ballot Burner, Dead Loyalty, Agravio, A68, Vexed, Vodka Juniors, Anaeroba
 / 29. 5. 2018
Brekkjern, Discord, Active Minds, Myteri, Repugnant, M.A.M.Ü.T., FIST, Disorder, Ponor
 / 26. 9. 2017
Pest, Feral Blood, Ponor, Krigblåst., Spirits, Nekad, Peter and the test tube babies
 / 19. 9. 2017
Kommando 5. Juli, Wolfbrigade, L'urlo de chen, Abolitionist, No-Confidence, Vivere merda,Cock Sparrer...
 / 18. 4. 2017
Anhedoni, Mohan, Hikikomori, Disclone, Dissidence, Rotstrotter, Terania, Misawa, The Bridge. Redound, DBN
 / 13. 12. 2016
Antidigos, Limp Blitzkrieg, Entry, Moribund Scum, Disease, Berserk, Röadscüm, BKD, Ecowar, Iamdisease
 / 22. 11. 2016
Lawfucker, Age Of Fear, Lost Lands, Crime State, Martyrdöd, Out For Blood, Altercado, Misa histerica, Too Late
 / 15. 11. 2016
Tortür, The Wasted, Waste, Wastelands, Kriegshög, The Patient, Fights and Fires, Hard Skin, No Turning Back
 / 8. 11. 2016
Contort, Underclass UK, Luddite, M.A.D., Push!, Клонирование овцы, Shameless, AK47, Dobri Isak, Zebrahead
 / 10. 11. 2015
Wolfbrigade, M.D.C., Los Fastidios, Call The Cops, Culto Del Cargo, Iamdisease, Shin, P.R.S.O., Left For Dead
 / 28. 7. 2015
Rifiuto HC, Estampida, Totalt Jävla Mörker, Wolfbrigade, Kontatto, Lust for Death, Poison Idea, Final Approach
 / 28. 4. 2015
Man in the Shadow, Paranoid, Corrupt Leaders, Fvck Mountain, Spiteful Urinator, Anthrax, Burnt Cross...
 / 3. 2. 2015
Cruel Face, The Rebel Spell, Wolfbrigade, Los Rezios, Krüger, Knark, Knægt, A. propaganda, K. Disneylanda...
 / 23. 12. 2014
Weekend Nachos, Dirty Harry, Nux Vomica, Errör, Massakro, Partiya, Victims of Classwar, Blitzkrieg Bop...
 / 7. 10. 2014
What We Feel, Moscow Death Brigade, Elizabeth, Brünner Todesmarsch, Evidence smrti, Svffer, Agent Attitude...
 / 23. 9. 2014
November 13th, Roäc, Sin dios, World Burns To Death, Slang, Lip Cream, Beyond Pink, Sentence, Biohazard
 / 22. 7. 2014
Framtid, Agenda, Myteri, Kyrest, Left in Ruins, Sentence, Until Death, Straightline, Misery for a Living...
 / 10. 6. 2014
Problemi, Tragedy, Las otras, Dark Horse, Nuclear Devastation, Ramlord, Culto del Cargo, Argies, Nightfell
 / 3. 6. 2014
Suffering Mind, Scorched Earth, Angers Curse, The Casualties, Morne, Jenkem Warriors, Ponor, Declaration
 / 15. 4. 2014
Disterror, Criminal Damage, Sarabante, Hellback, Komplott, Undead Generation, Motus, Ashpipe
 / 17. 12. 2013
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