Unite As One

8. 11. 2016 - 23.00
 / Subway

S U B W A Y  1 0 3 6 / 1 3 3 1 torek, 8/11.2016. ob 23-ih

LA d-beat in pogo punk so Tortür in The Wasted. Iz New Jerseya je temačni hc Wastelands. Ploščo so izstrelili tudi finski punk veterani Wasted. Tokio hc so Kriegshög, Melbourne hc pa The Patient. Angleški melodičnjaki Fights and Fires so poslali svoj novi posnetek. Od koncertov: Hard skin, No Turning Back, Lifeless in Definite.


TORTÜR – Demo 2016

- Human Extinction

– Dawn Of Destruction

– Killing Machines

The WASTED - "Wasted Punx Never Die" EP 2016

– Wasted Punx Never Die

WASTED - "The Truth Will Not Be Televised" EP (2016, Combat Rock Industry)

– Army Ants

– CobWeb

WASTELANDS - "Snake Tongue" CD (2016, DIY)

– Weight Of The World

– Oubliette pt. 2

– High Friends/Low Places

KRIEGSHÖG - EP (2016, La vida es un mus)

– General

- Feather

The PATIENT - "Unite As One" CD (2016)

– Unite As One

– Detox

– Time Is Our Possession

FIGHTS AND FIRES - "Take A Swing At The World" EP 2016

- Take A Swing At The World

HARD SKIN - "On The Balls" LP (2013) + "Why do birds suddenly appeard" LP (2015)

– The Kids Are Innocent (w./ Beki Bondage)

– Another Terrace Anthem

– The Man Who Run the Town

– That's Bollocks Mate (w/. Beckie Chaos)

LIFELESS - "Die With Us" EP (2016)

– Die With It

NO TURNING BACK - "Never Give Up" (2015)

– Destination Uknown


- Unchangeable

Od koncertov:

(sreda) 9.11. Ljubljana, Gromka: Astpai, Deadends, Real Life Version;

(četrtek) 10.11. Zagreb, Medika: Hard Skin, Bosonogo djetinjstvo;

(petek) 11.11. Ljubljana, Menza: Concrete Worms, Gužva u bajt;

(petek in sobota) 11. in 12.11. Pula, Monte paradiso hacklab & Club 13. antifa festival: Aimless Arrow, Safe State, Angler;  Disspossesed, Pakt, Ovrha,


(ponedeljek) 14.11. Zagreb, Medika: No Turning Back, Lifeless, Ponor;

(torek) 15.11. N. Gorica, Mostovna – „Hard To The Core“: No Turning Back, Lifeless, Definite;




The patient

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