Die andere Alternative für Deutschland
Die andere Alternative für Deutschland
V letu 2017 smo na Radiu Študent v sodelovanju z Goethe inštitutom izvedli programski fokus: “Die andere Alternative für Deutschland” („Druga alternativa za Nemčijo“)
The main idea is simple, but also very precisely chosen. German alternative (partly non-institutionalized) culture is very rich and diverse, but it also remains in large part unknown to the Slovenian public. German culture is neglected in our social and cultural scene, because of its orientation towards local culture on the one hand, and Anglo-American culture on the other. With this project, which has a large potential of continuation, we would like to make an exception in this trend. Within this project we prepared a combination of radio broadcasts and live events on different fields of alternative-German culture (music, literary, theoretic, film-theory, and comic-book scene, we will present new achievements of German scientists, etc.).
Glavna ideja je preprosta,vendar natancno izbrana. Nemska alternativna kultura jezelo bogata in raznolika, vendar se vedno ostaja po vecini neznana Slovenski vecini. Nemska kultura je zavracana v nasi druzbeni in kulturno izbrani sceni. S tem projektom, ki ima velik potencial za ustvarjanje diverzije v tem trendu, bi radi naredili razliko v Slovenski kulturi v pogledu na Nemsko. Ponujamo veliko radijskih programov, ki izobrazujejo oNemski kulturi, glasbi in terminologiji, trendih, stilih in zivljenskem slogu Nemske kulture ter ozavesca o njej.
Oddaje, ki so nastala v tem sodelovanju, si lahko ogledate spodaj.
Najljubši pari jutranjega programa? Ne poslušam, ampak komentarje pa rad berem. Kako bi jih torej rangirali?