Hieroglyphic Being, Lucy & Rrose, Alan Turing, Gaika in Chuck Berry
 / 19. 10. 2016
Šef založbe Mathematics z novo dolgometražno stvaritvijo
 / 10. 9. 2016
Impresije in razmišljanja o jubilejni peti ediciji puljskega festivala sodobnih elektronskih muzik
 / 3. 9. 2016
Nakajima, SHIV, Christian Kroupa, Lintver, Neurosis, Container, Hieroglyphic Being, Sigur Rós
 / 23. 6. 2016
Afrofuturistična fuzija jazza ter tehna v stimulativni kakofoniji opeva kozmični kontekst.
 / 20. 11. 2015
Ableton, Star Trek, PC Music, Connan Mockasin, Blood Orange, Hans Zimmer, Rustie, Hieroglyphic Being....
 / 3. 11. 2015
When I don't have Red, I paint with Blue
 / 17. 10. 2014
Terence Hannum, yyu, Fhloston Paradigm, Felix Kubin, Hieroglyphic Being...
 / 30. 8. 2014
Deerhoof, Caught on Tape, Darkside, Lee Gamble, Cooly G, Addison Groove, Shit and Shine...
 / 24. 8. 2014
Graham Stephenson & Aaron Zarzutzki, Mario Marzidovšek, Interplanetary Prophets...
 / 17. 8. 2013
Today I feel well, like a Balzac; I am finishing this line.
 / 22. 7. 2013
I must create a System, or forever be enslav’d by another man’s
 / 21. 1. 2013
Live At Club 4 Reel, Overtoom 301, Amsterdam (Side A)
 / 19. 10. 2012
Live At Club 4 Reel, Overtoom 301, Amsterdam (Side A)
 / 7. 9. 2012
You've got to See it to Feel it, you've got to Feel it to See it
 / 3. 9. 2012
Dance, dance, otherwise we are lost
 / 23. 7. 2012
Kaj vleče noiserje v techno? Novo◖dkrita ljubezen ali kriza v lastni hiši?
 / 23. 6. 2012
Na CD-ju, kaseti ali vinilu, tudi v letu 2011, ga nihče ne prekaša v stilu
 / 20. 3. 2011
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