Nuclear Annihilation, Sukob, Death-Tremor, Self Sabotage, Socio la difekta, Median Rot, Fall of Efrafa
 / 7. 6. 2022
Forever punk
 / 4. 12. 2018
La sangre no se negocia, Extinction of Mankind, American Nightmare, Fireburn, Left to Starve, Doxie
 / 6. 3. 2018
Pankrti, The Exploited, KBO!, Odpisani, Shades of grey, Đornata, No Trivia peddlers, Krvavi protokol
 / 23. 5. 2017
Midnatt Död, The Siege Fire, Diswolf, Afäsia, Resistors, Anchor, Black Sails, Nervous Trend, KBO!
 / 19. 5. 2015
Per Capita, Freedom is a Lie, Rat Storm, Ugrakarma, Jugaa, Terrifyer, KaliXGula, Thee Infidels, KBO!...
 / 11. 3. 2014
Incrüst, Warthrat, Pussy Riot, Karysun, Vrisak generacije, Baka yaro, KBO!, Pigs parlament...
 / 21. 8. 2012
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