Gather In Darkness

19. 5. 2015 - 23.00
 / Subway

S U B W A Y 9 5 9 / 1 2 5 4   torek, 19/5.2015. ob 23-ih

Napoved nove plošče d-beat crusterjev Midnatt Död, potem crusterji The Siege Fire iz Portlanda in Diswolf iz Kopenhagna. S comp založbe 1859 tudi hc punk bandi Nervous Trend, Vicious Pleasures in Rubrics. Posnetke so posredovali čilski blackened crusterji Afäsia, iz Brooklyna pa so se oglasili melodičnjaki Resistors. Od koncertov: Anchor, Black Sails in KBO!.


Profit och dod

The SIEGE FIRE - "Dead Refuge" LP (Eighteen Fifty Nine Records, 2015). 

– A Blight Of Flames

– Reign Of Arrows

– Untitled

– Gather In Darkness


NERVOUS TREND – Border Lines


RUBRICS - Prisoner of war camp #334

DISWOLF - Demo 2014

– Diswolf

– Menneskets Endeligt

– Arktis Antarktis

RESISTORS - "Drag" CD (Aces & Eights Records, 2015). 

– Wasting Away

– Back Down

– Wrong Track

– Aside

AFÄSIA - s/t EP 2014

– Exógeno

– Cenizas de un Arbol Muerto

– Mononoke

ANCHOR - "Distance & Devotion" CD (Gaphals records, 2015)

– Out Of The Storm

 – Hope Dies Last

– Upstream

BLACK SAILS - split EP w. Deer In The Headlights

- Closure

KBO! - "Tama" MC 1986

– Boban počinje

Od koncertov:

(sreda) 20.5. Zagreb, Vintage Industrial Bar: KBO!, Kriva istina, The Rock Flock;

(petek) 22.5. Ljubljana, Rog - Benefit za Krastival: ShitFuckingShit, Krik Disneylanda, Beer For Breakfast, Kripel Bataljon;

(sobota) 23.5. Črenšovci, Etno Žaga: Odpisani;

(nedelja) 24.5. Ljubljana, Gromka: Dickless Tracy, Infest, Noctem;

(torek) 26.5. Zagreb, Medika: Anchor, Crooked Letter, Black Sails;

The Siege Fire
Nervous Trend
Good Riddance

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