Globoki ARŠO

20. 4. 2023 - 10.15

Nekaj povezav in citiranega materiala:

 - Krutzen 2006: Antropocene

- Krutzen 2006a: Albedo Enhancement by Stratospheric Sulfur Injections

- Iron-dumping ocean experiment sparks controversy

- IPCC AR6, Ch16 (str. 2473-8)

- Irvine & Keith 2023: Scalable, economical, and stable sequestration of agricultural fixed carbon

- Seddon in dr. 2020: Understanding the value and limits of nature-based solutions to climate change and other global challenges


vir slike: NASA

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Riding the "Scientific" hype train


In 1979, a fishing trawler dredged a mammoth molar tooth and femur (Mammuthus meridionalis adriacus n. spp) from a shallow depression on the seabed with a fill of quaternary terrestrial sediments, c. 8 km south-west of the island of Pag at a depth of −80 m (Fig. 18.2; Malez and Lenardić-Fabić 1988; Mauch Lenardić 2012). Dated on palaeontological grounds to the early Middle Pleistocene (≤ 750 ka), this find is testament to the preservation potential of the Adriatic seabed.

The maximum sea-level regression in the northern Adriatic at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) was c. −112 m, exposing a very extensive area of coastal lowland (Fig. 18.1), and sea level rose after 18,000 years ago to reach the modern level after c. 6000 years ago (Šegota 1983; Benac and Juračić 1998).

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