3. 1. 2019 - 22.00

What qualities are required to give roses? Kindness, of course. Thoughtfulness, for sure. Frenchness, maybe? But you should be good at math as well.

According to aesthetic reasons, bouquets of less than ten roses are to be composed of an uneven number of roses. For bouquets of ten roses or more, this rule doesn’t apply because nobody can see the exact number.

How to Give a Single Rose. It's Valentine's Day or your honey's anniversary and you want to give her something special. You know she loves flowers, specifically roses. So you drive to the flower store and are now staring at huge bouquets of roses or perfect single roses. While you care about your partner, money is a factor and you're wondering if you can get away with giving her a single rose.


How to Grow Roses

Co-authored by Maggie Moran

In this Article: Article Summary, Preparing for Planting, Planting Roses, Caring for Roses, Protecting Roses from Weather and Disease, Community Q&A, 10 References

Would you like to become a Rosarian? Roses, symbolic of love and beauty, have been growing wild and in gardens for thousands of years. To grow gorgeous roses, it's important to choose varieties that grow well in your region and take measures to help them thrive season after season.

Method 1
Preparing for Planting

[Image titled Start a Flower Shop Step 7]
Choose rose varieties. Did you know there are 13,000 varieties of roses? [1] Some roses grow better in certain regions than in others. When you're choosing what type of rose to grow, take some time to research the specifics of your growing region, then look for roses that have characteristics you find appealing. Take their shape, size, and color into account when choosing varieties to grow. Roses fall into the following categories:

Hybrid tea roses are beautifully shaped, colorful roses that often make appearances in flower shops and as part of bouquets.
Floribunda roses are the most colorful of all the varieties. Each bush has many blossoms, rather than just one to a stem.
Grandiflora roses are a cross between the hybrid tea and Floribunda roses, and they grow to be quite tall with several rose clusters to a stem.
Climber roses can be trained to stretch vine-like along fences and walls.
Miniature roses are intricate and tiny, perfect for planting in a container.
Shrub and landscape roses are quite hardy, resistant to pests and disease. They come in many colors, shapes and sizes.
Tree roses are roses that have been grafted to a long stem, giving them the appearance of trees. They require a bit more care than some of the other types of roses.

[Image titled Properly Water Roses Step 14]

Get rose gardening supplies. Aside from the bare root or potted plant itself, you'll need a few other supplies to get your rose garden started. Go to your local nursery or check out online retailers to pick up the following:

Pruning shears. Pruning roses keeps them healthy, promotes the growth of blooms, and keeps them in a pretty shape. Shears are essential equipment for growing roses. Get small curved-edge shears and larger lopping shears.
Gardening gloves. Protect yourself from thorns with a thick pair of gloves.
Fertilizer. Roses should be fed with fertilizer a few times a season. You can buy fertilizer specifically formulated for roses, but this is not strictly necessary.
Mulch. Mulching rose beds can help keep pests away and distribute more nutrients to the roses. Get wood chips, pine needles, peat nuggets, or another type of mulch suitable for your area.
Compost or rose planting mix. Mixing this with the soil when you plant the roses helps them grow.
A shovel and spade. You'll need these to dig holes when you plant the roses.

Video of the Day

Learn about the colors of flowers. A red rose signifies romantic, passionate love. Yellow usually signifies friendship, while orange may indicate a secret love. White is for apologies and in the past showed purity and innocence. Black is for ending a relationship.

Ending a relationship.

Choose the single rose carefully. Smell all your options. Look at the petals for signs of fading, browning or simple imbalance. Find the most perfect single red rose and your partner will know how much time and energy you spent on them.

Attach a note to the rose. It doesn't have to rhyme or be cute. Just express what you feel for the other person. In a pinch, a simple "I love you" will work wonders, especially if it's the first time you're saying it. Some companies will even write a special message on the rose for you.

Figure out how you want to present it. Handing it to her is one way, especially with a kiss. Another is to put it someplace where she'll find it either with you nearby or when you're away. If you have keys to her house, hide the rose where she'll find it easily or put it on her windshield. If you're taking her out, put it on her car seat or leave it on the chair she sits in at dinner.


Certain quantities of roses have a specific meaning (at least for us):

• 1 ROSE – Love at first sight

• 2 ROSES – “I’m sorry”

• 12 ROSES – To thank your sig-o or accompany a wedding proposal

• 24 ROSES – The epitome of romanticism

Buy bare root or potted roses. Once you've picked out the types of roses you want to plant, decide in what form you want to buy them. Bare roots are the roots of roses that are planted directly into the ground. You can also buy young roses that have already been planted in a small pot, and transplant them to the ground or another pot. Either type may be purchased in a nursery. Rare rose varieties may be found online.

Bare root roses are planted in early spring, giving them time to take root before sprouting several weeks later when the weather warms up.
Potted roses can be kept inside during the winter, then placed outside in the spring.

[Image titled Explore the Archaeology of Your Backyard Step 5]


• 36 ROSES – “I love you” (red roses) or engagement bouquet (white or pink roses)

• 1000010900010010010000100101110011 ROSES – 

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