Det Som Aldrig Förändras

14. 1. 2013 - 21.00

Art Is Either A Complaint Or Do Something Else


Holly Herndon - Breathe
Feloneezy - ////////////
Najoua - Bučni
Mo Kolours - Promise
Mickey Moonlight - Come On Humans!
Ital Tek - The Flood (Throwing Snow Remix) (forthcoming Civil Music)
DANCE - Still
Led Er Est - Turriptosis Blues
Borful Tang - Herd And Unherd
Policy - Walk Up (forthcoming Argot)
Joe - R.E.J. Bit (forthcoming Hemlock Recordings)
Evano - Dub&Ish (forthcoming Archipel)


"The moment would arrive when passion would no longer be an agent of unconsciousness. It will be said that only a madman could perceive such things in the Marshall and Truman plans. I am that madman. In the very precise sense that there is the choice of two things: Either the operation will fail, or the madman will arrive at the self consciousness I speak of, because reason, being consciousness, is fully concious only if it has for an object that which is not reducible to it."

Bataille: The Accursed Share

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mega oddaja !


posnetek za zamudnike bi bil nadvse dobrodošel!

kmalu :]

I want that KROC sound bite!!!!! Rolal sem po tleh, fucking hilarious! Seriously, link/pošlji, plzzzzz!!!!!!!!

Pa huda oddaja kot vedno!

dobis :) lp vsem

"Come on, you saw this coming, you saw the van out front, quit being a bunch of pussies." Če se bom spravil pisati monografijo o popularni glasbi v 20. stoletju, to bo naslov :)))))))))))))))))))))

Jarmuschev 'Noč na zemlji' ... najs

This is the thing. Mo Kolours, Policy, Evano!

Dino huda oddaja in ql komad! Tudi jaz vidim kar nekaj podobnosti z mojimi produkcijami.. pravkar delam seznam založb katerim bom poslal demote in mislim da je blank mind ena izmed njih.
Sicer je prej nisem poznal, se mi pa zdi, da se bo fajn razvila oz. imela še v nadaljnje kvalitetne izdaje, pa kot vidim jo je še factmag dodal v "to-watch" listo. LP :)


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