Life has no opposite,

13. 5. 2016 - 20.00


“When you walk through a forest that has not been tamed and interfered with by man, you will see not only abundant life around you, but you will also encounter fallen trees and decaying trunks, rotting leaves and decomposing matter at every step. Wherever you look, you will find death as well as life.

Upon closer scrutiny, however, you will discover the that decomposing tree trunk and rotting leaves not only give birth to new life, but are full of life themselves. Microorganisms are at work. Molecules are rearranging themselves. So death isn’t to be found anywhere. There is only the metamorphosis of life forms. What can you learn from this?

Death is not the opposite of life. Life has no opposite. The opposite of death is birth. Life is eternal.”

Be there or be square!


Christian Kroupa- Horizon

Moses Boyd - Drum Dance

O'Flynn- Oberyn

Happa- Blackberreh

Kaytranada- Lite Spots

Marcello Napoletano- Cafè Nanà

Midland- Blush

Shit Robot- End of the Trail (Roman Flügel Remix)

Terrence Dixon- From The Hood

Alleged Witches- Dukun

The Maghreban- Output

Midland- Outpost

I Cube- Vacuum Jackers (Maurice Fulton Remix)

Christian Kroupa- Of What Might Be

Regelbau- RB01

JACKIE- Natural


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v smeh.


na ravni špikerjev, pull yourself together RŠ!

Relax dude.

Ne razumem, kaj je tuki kj tazga. + na koncu je to le glasbena oddaja, kjer je fokus na glasbo. Ne na kratkem filozofskem uvodu.

nek nivo kar se napovedi oddaj tice?
Ta oddaja se je od nekdaj napovedovala z bolj ali manj enigmaticnimi poljudnoazeloosebnofilozofskopsiholoskosocioloskimi napovedmi.
Vcasih so bile tudi bolj naivne (ce za merilo vzamemo spikersko filozofiranje) od napovedi za danasnjo oddajo.
Whatsup now? The pokroviteljski nasvet s 'pull yourself together'?
ponudi se za sodelovanje in napovedovanje oddaj. You can do it. Better (ocitn). Do it.

Lets relax now shall we.

Loved it!



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