These Games We Play

6. 1. 2017 - 21.00


“The past has no power to stop you from being present now. Only your grievance about the past can do that. What is grievance? The baggage of old thought and emotion.”

Don’t let the past steal your present…


Bjørn Torske- Host (DJ Sotofett's Stoydubb)

Theo Parrish– Leave the Funk to Us

Levon Vincent- Early Reflections (Unreleased Alternate Version)

Levon Vincent- Bliss When I See Her (Previously Unreleased)

Christian Kroupa- Bits Of Broken Glass

Joy Orbison & Boddika- Severed Seven

Marquis Hawkes- I'm So Glad (12' Satisfied Mix)

Midland- Decompression Suite

Makam- Riding High

Bicep- The Game(Catz N Dogz Interpretation)

Josh Wink - Meditation Will Manifest

Soul Capsule- Lady Science (NYC Sunrise mix)

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When I See Her <3

m a fool to want you

the emotional manipulation and the bad habit. Seems you have your fit, good luck...

the emotional manipulation, this cowardly way of saying what you once thought you wanted. Seems you have your fit as well, good luck...

not mix emotion with skill and inspiration. a manipulator is no master, firstly of himself. wanting you led to everything ever wanted. would never condition my love with your skills. losing you is not losing me anymore.

tole je pač hudo kar se posluša

celo LJ pospreji s tem soundom pa bo ... ha

well, when you get older, you always get a mirror in the space in-between

v LJ ne slišiš pogosto takega pro saunda dragi moj

not mix manipulation with provoked answer, a manipulator is no master, firstly of himself. wanting you led to knowing myself. would never condition my love with your skills. losing you is not questioning my sanity anymore.

do not mix advice with provocation. mirroring is manipulation tacticts too. call in empty space, not smelling your sweat - condition, or no love. glad you're not flying off, let go control.

well, provoked answer or provocation returned or provoked question - all this might be pretty close to manipulation, while manipulation does not necessarily means something bad. it might just be an improvisation. a manipulator is a master! but this is just fine if the manipulation has an aim or at least is trying to get somewhere. yes. master firstly of himself or herself ... well, love and skills are pretty apart. in a way. while sanity is a bit of provocative term indeed.

well advice is an empty form. advice is never asked. it is always given. mirroring is done when there is not any other way to return the attack. empty space is empty only because someone wanted it to be empty. flying off = control.

knowing yourself in singularity is never knowing yourself in relation toward the other. it is again an ego-centric act. you did not do much. you have just played with your own self.

There hasnt been much done.
Knowing yourself in singularity is never knowing yourself in relation toward the other, but when
chances to meet yourself in relation toward the other are rare, that should be only way to follow if you do not want to just play with your own self.
Leting go of control=losing me in idea of you
mirroring is a form of writing I use to reffer to the other.

Know im still here

might also be nowhere or ... anywhere. yeah - knowing yourself even in singularity is not really the ideal of society we live in either. relation toward the other is today really the utopia element anyway. so - good luck anywhere you really are right now.

some old folks once said: nothing ever goes away until you learn something from it

might be everywhere. Generalising my words and farewelling when not being able to face your own limits is not mastery preached about. Cowardice is not virtue nor skill. Would never condition my love with your skills.
yeah - knowing yourself in singularity or in relation toward the other is not really the ideal of society we live in. Ideals and/or utopia are what you make and believe them to be regardless of external influence.
so - good luck to you anywhere you really are besides in me right now.

oh, i read some books inbetween. you think you would be somewhere else at this particular moment if you would not be besides in me right now. you moron.

i saved us. you stupid egoistic donkey.

you see now? this is precisely your style. you still believe it is all about you. well, ... time to wake up a?

well... just face it boy. you are talented. but you are a beginner. i was keep coming back to you in phases, to see if you know what you are preaching about, but i finally realized - you don't have a clue. if you would, you would not behave in a manner you did. this is the fact.

escalated into a troll grupič...


what else did you expect *troll grupić* is as far as we can get in year 2017 on RŠ


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