Shoe & Shoelace

9. 2. 2021 - 10.10

Shoe & Shoelace, sveže poimenovani dvojec Berger-Boršič, svoje glasbene poti brez meja utirja skozi kombinacijo tolkal, modularne sinteze zvoka in saksofona. V torek ju v eni od premiernih izvedb lahko doživite na Afterpartyju! 

shoe is an item of footwear intended to protect and comfort the human foot.   The design of shoes has varied enormously through time and from culture to culture, with appearance originally being tied to function. Traditionally, shoes have been made from leather, wood or canvas. Though the human foot is adapted to varied terrain and climate conditions, it is still vulnerable to environmental hazards such as sharp rocks and temperature extremes, which shoes protect against.

Shoelaces are a system commonly used to secure shoes, boots and other footwear. They typically consist of a pair of strings or cords, one for each shoe, finished off at both ends with stiff sections, known as aglets.  Each shoelace typically passes through a series of holes, eyelets, loops or hooks on either side of the shoe. Loosening the lacing allows the shoe to open wide enough for the foot to be inserted or removed. Tightening the lacing and tying off the ends secures the foot firmly within the shoe. The laces can be tied in different shapes, most commonly a simple bow.

The oldest leather shoe with laces found by archeologists in Armenia was 5,500 years old. Maybe cavemen were a bit smarter than we give them credit for!

Berger: bobni, modular sint
Boršič: saksofon


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