Vagina Corporation


Pogovor z makedonsko štirico
 / 27. 2. 2024

Se počutite osamljene? So vaša srca željna topline po mrzli zimi? So odri pred vami prazni in vaše playliste dolgočasne? Ne čakajte nič več, kajti za vas je tu Vagina Corporation. V oddaji Afterparty boste ekskluzivno lahko ujeli makedonske postpankse. Njihove storitve bodo iz studia Radia Študent na voljo v torek ob točnih deset čez deseto, njihovo korporativizacijo pa boste lahko spremljali tudi v sliki na vseh naših platformah.


O sebi zapišejo:

En izbor pesmi, preden gremo na pot
 / 2. 11. 2022

»Vagina Corporation, a band hailing from the vibrant music scene of Skopje, North Macedonia, has been making waves with their unique sound—a fusion of krautrock, Americana, and psychedelia, affectionately known as KRAP. Their music, driven by the angst of our times and inspired by the concrete jungle of Skopje, is a powerful experience that aims to immerse the audience in a mad, angry yet hopeful dance—a dance that beckons the final rain.

Originally a solo project by singer Luka Jovanoski, Vagina Corporation has evolved into a full-fledged band, marked by explosive concerts that blur the lines between the performers and the audience. With two albums already under their belt, the band is gearing up to record a live album and explore new sonic territories with fresh material.«



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