Alarma v.021

26. 9. 2016 - 22.00
 / Alarma

"The Thrustodyne Aeronautics Model 23, also called the Jet Gun, is made out of a jet turbine, spool of wire, a gauge and a motorcycle handbrake. It works by sucking zombies towards it and then gibbing them in its rotors. The Jet Gun, however, can be broken, unlike other Wonder Weapons. The left dial on the Jet Gun determines when it will break. When the pointer reaches the complete other side in the red section, the weapon will break. However, when the Jet Gun is held out and not fired, the pointer will slowly move back towards the left, allowing it to be used more."

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Somewhere nearby, a man is talking on the telephone to a woman, telling her he is about to buy a large loaf of bread in the local baker`s.

"/../ 'I always wear black to match the colour of my car,' and banal talk is revealed as a Trojan horse carrying other levels of communication: status, style and sexual promise. As well as organising a London club called The Electornic Lounge, Robin makes records based around material snooped, via the scanner, from telephone conversations. Sounds, atmospehres and sometimes beats are added, but the core material is people talking in the mistaken belief that nobody else is listening."

-- Toop, David: Scanning - Aether Talk v Bennett, Andy, Barry Shank in Jason Toynbee, ur. 2006. The popular music studies reader. London: Routledge, 2006.

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