Dimni signali 147

12. 11. 2022 - 22.00

Petega novembra je umrla Mimi Parker iz zasedbe Low. Mimi je kot bobnarka Low, pustila izjemen pečat na neodvisni kitarski glasbi zadnjih tridesetih let. V nocojšnji oddaji bomo počastili spomin nanjo. Iz izredne diskografije, si bomo kronološko zavrteli po eno skladbo iz vsakega albuma.

Počivaj v miru Mimi, everybody wants to go home, even when they're old, even when they're small.

Words (05:48)
    I Could Live in Hope, 1994

Shame (03:56)
    Long Division, 1995

Laugh (09:37)
    The Curtain Hits the Cast, 1996

Landlord (06:47)
    Songs for a Dead Pilot, 1997

Taking Down the Tree (02:44)
    Christmas, 1999

Home (02:24)
    Secret Name, 1999

July (05:35)
    This We Lost in the Fire, 2001

Tonight (04:05)
    Trust, 2002

On the Edge Of (03:49)
    The Great Destroyer, 2005

Murderer (03:43)
    Drums and Guns, 2007

20$ (04:11)
    C’mon, 2011

Amethyst (05:20)
    The Invisible Way, 2013

Spanish Translation (04:17)
    Ones and Sixes, 2015

Disarray (03:52)
    Double Negative, 2018

Don’t Walk Away (04:07)
    HEY WHAT, 2021

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