Izpod Radarja
12. 12. 2020 - 20.00
Še eno potovanje v globine metalskega podzemlja. Predvsem fokus na black in death metal obskurne narave.
- Undergang - Menneskeæder (4:06)
- Nefarious Vermin - Elongated Misery (2:22)
- Siderean - Sidereal Evolution (6:48)
- Ilsa - Scavengers (4:12)
- Of Feather And Bone - Noctemnania (5:44)
- Undeath - Lesions of a Different Kind (3:07)
- Ceremonial Bloodbath - Book of Black Blessings (5:13)
- Blood Spore - Dreading The Mycelial Mask (6:52)
- Nekrovault - Psychomanteum - Luminous Flames (7:57)
- Wayfarer - Masquerade of the Gunslingers (10:01)
- Mahr - Furor Internus (9:33)
- Esoctrilhum - Lugalugkuh (6:47)
- Avlivad - Moldy Pinnacles (3:43)
- Wagner Ödegĺrd - 08. Hymblaswärdh (4:18)
- Jupiterian - Mere Humans (5:38)
- Exsul - Exsul (6:08)
- Mortuferum - Abhorrent Genesis (7:52)
- Skáphe - XIV - A Spiritual Bypass (4:06)
- Sulphuric Night - To the Cobwebs of Non-Existence (Death Awaits) (10:30)
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