Latviešu Mūzika

2. 12. 2023 - 20.00

Tokratne grafite posvečamo sodobni latvijski klubski muziki. Z nami bo v etru prostovoljka iz RigeKrista Elīza Rugāja.

In the second half of the 1990's computers and the Internet changed the Latvian music scene and at the same time dilluted the concept of avant-garde. The designation "experimental" became more topical. Let's talk electronic music scene in Latvia - how and when did it start and what is happening currently?

Poslušali bomo o sledečih zasedbah: 

Gas of Latvia: bandcamp / youtube / facebook 

Labais dāma: bandcamp / IG

TV Maskavabandcamp / youtube / X

Kodek: bandcamp / youtube / facebook / X 

Oriole: bandcamp / soundcloud

Bel Tempo: soundcloud

Eliza Legzdiņa: bandcamp / IG / youtube

Alejas: bandcamp


+ Institucijah

Dirty Deal Audio: bandcamp / www / facebook

Skaņu mežs (tekhné): www

Erica Synths: www


facebook twitter rss

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