Svet odmeva: Arthur Russell

11. 4. 2020 - 20.00

»His ambition seemed to be to write popular music or bubblegum music, but Buddhist bubblegum.«
Beatniški pesnik in filozof Allen Ginsberg v dokumentarnem filmu Wild Combination: A Portrait of Arthur Russell

Ob raziskovanju newyorške avantgardne/resne in plesne scene poznih 70. in 80. let vsakič znova naletimo na ime čelista, skladatelja, pevca in producenta Arthurja Russella, enega bolj edinstvenih glasov 20. stoletja, po avtentičnosti in nekonformizmu primerljivega z velikim Scottom Walkerjem, ki v svojem življenju zaradi različnih okoliščin, med njimi lastne trmoglavosti in prerane smrti zaradi okužbe z virusom HIV, ni bil deležen zaslužene pozornosti. Čas je, da se mu posvetimo v celoti in zakopljemo v njegovo obsežno ter razgibano diskografijo, ki obsega vse od kompozicij v tradiciji minimalizma oziroma sodobne komponirane glasbe in avantgardnih pop albumov pa do edinstvenih ambientalnih eksploracij na čelu, otožnih country balad in nekaterih najbolj navdahnjenih levopolnih disko hitov iz pionirskih let newyorške klubske scene. 

»There's a lot of great art that never finds a huge audience or that never finds a huge audience during the artist's lifetime. I mean, I could say that some of this stuff was was out of its time, it was ahead of its time, it was behind its time, it just existed as itself and...I mean, from my point of view he's is one of the best songwriters ever. He's as good as the Beatles, he's as good as anybody.«
Glasbenik in prijatelj Ernie Brooks iz zasedb The Modern Lovers, The Flying Hearts in Necessaries v istem dokumentarnem filmu 


It's moving me up
Moving, it's moving me up
Each step is moving, moving me up
Moving, moving me up
Every step is moving me up
This is how we walk on the moon

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