Towns That Disappeared Completely

21. 4. 2014 - 22.00

Time for you and time for me,
And time yet for a hundred indecisions,
And for a hundred visions and revisions,
Before the taking of a toast and tea

T.S. Eliot


Buffa - Strictly Drum'n'Bass
Pier feat. Robert Jukič - Iraqi Soldier
Garonne Man - Night Sandwich
Janet Cardiff - The Missing Voice
SVN - Low
Dreesvn - Moonwalk
Nuša Ofentavšek, Vito Vičar, Luka Herman Gaiser, Bojan Krhlanko - Round Midnight (T. Monk / B. Hanighen)
Max Eastley, David Toop - Eyelash Turned Inwards
Terekke - Amaze
*Trashbat & Vaun - Ardent
Animal Collective - College
Woebot - Blues
Blind Willie Johnson - Dark Was The Night
Yasmine Hamdan - Beirut
Leonid - 67 Jam
Francis Harris - You Can Always Leave (Curtains) (DJ Sprinkles Remix)


DubLab, 28. april 2014: CRISES & TRASHBAT

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i do agree

Bo seznam mogoce objavljen?


za malenkost ste me prehitel! :) lpd

it.s kool

untentered ?
namenoma ?

Ž: v bistvu - DA :)


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