Orchestre Les Mangelepa: Last Band Standing
13. 1. 2019 - 20.30

Vrtimo afriške orkestre, in sicer iz treh odličnih kompilacij, na katerih so zbrani zgodovinski posnetki zasedb iz Konga (Congo Revolution - Africa Latin, Jazz and Funk: Sounds From The Two Congos (1957-73)), Kenije (Kenya Special, Vol. 2 (Selected East African Recordings from the 1970's And 80's)) in vzhodne Afrike oziroma Kenije, Tanzanije in Konga (Urgent Jumping! East African Musiki Wa Dansi Classics).

Poleg omenjenih kompilacij sukamo tudi eno aktualno ploščo, in sicer Last Band Standing iz leta 2017, ki jo podpisuje Orchestre Les Mangelepa, znova zagnana legendarna kongoleška zasedba iz 70. let 20. stoletja. Gre za zasedbino prvo mednarodno izdajo, nanjo pa so uvrstili tako nove različice starih komadov, kakor tudi nove skladbe.

Samo z besedo opozarjamo na kar tri zanimive koncerte, ki nas čakajo ta teden: Gaye Su Akyol (torek, 15. 1. 2019; Klub CD, Ljubljana) Abraxas (petek, 18. 1. 2019; Gabrijel, Cerkno in Same babe (sobota, 19. 1. 2019; Kino Šiška, Ljubljana).



Congo Revolution - Africa Latin, Jazz and Funk: Sounds From The Two Congos (1957-73) (Soul Jazz Records, 2018)/ 1. Orchestre Rock-a-Mambo – Baila (2'34'')


Congo Revolution - Africa Latin, Jazz and Funk: Sounds From The Two Congos (1957-73) (Soul Jazz Records, 2018)/ 2. Orchestre Beguen Band – Yo Me Moera (2'52'')

Congo Revolution - Africa Latin, Jazz and Funk: Sounds From The Two Congos (1957-73) (Soul Jazz Records, 2018)/ 5. Orchestre O.K. Jazz – Sois Sage Amour (3'09'')

Kenya Special, Vol. 2 (Selected East African Recordings from the 1970's And 80's) (Soundway, 2016)/ 6. L'Orchestre Central International – Jane Jaber (4'38'')

Kenya Special, Vol. 2 (Selected East African Recordings from the 1970's And 80's) (Soundway, 2016)/ 4. Orchestre Conga Internationale – Nakupenda Sana (4'44'')

Kenya Special, Vol. 2 (Selected East African Recordings from the 1970's And 80's) (Soundway, 2016)/ 12. Orchestre Simba Wanyika – Nakupenda (9'07'')

Orchestre Les Mangelepa: Last Band Standing (Strut, 2017)/ 4. Maindusa (9'21'')

Orchestre Les Mangelepa: Last Band Standing (Strut, 2017)/ 3. Mbungu (9'47'')

Urgent Jumping East African Musiki Wa Dansi Classics (Stern's Africa, 2016) CD_02/ 3. L'Orchestre Super Jambo – Kukukia Ukuta (4'49'')

Urgent Jumping East African Musiki Wa Dansi Classics (Stern's Africa, 2016) CD_02/ 12. L'Orchestre Dar International – Rafiki Sina Pt 1 (4'05'')

Orchestre Les Mangelepa - Maindusa - AFH884

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