Indie-Re journalist residency round table #2
IndieRe je projekt izmenjave neodvisnih radijev, ki združuje nekatere najpomembnejše evropske glasbeno usmerjene neodvisne radijske postaje. Na drugi novinarski rezidenci, izvedeni na festivalu Butik, bomo gostili François Berchenka z Radia Campus Toulouse, Luise Grundmann z Radia Corax (Halle Salle, Nemčija) in Niccolò Guffantija z Radia Popolare di Milano (Milan, Italija).
Ob vročinskih valovih je festivalsko dogajanje eno od značilnosti poletja in kot manifestacija nahajpane glasbene scene tudi ena najboljših priložnosti za zainteresirano javnost, da ta izstopi iz vsakdanjega sveta in v nekaj dneh konzumira glasbo in le glasbo. Ali je prišlo do festivalizacije scene, kako neodvisni evropski radii kurirajo festivale, ali zanje obstajajo državne karakteristike in še mnogo drugega na drugi okrogli mizi novinarjev Indie-Re projekta.
François Berchenko
Editor, production manager and technical director at Campus FM Toulouse, south of France.
Sound Engineer – Radio – Podcast – Instructor – Radio documentarist – Interviewer – Speaker – Artistic Direction – Sound Designer – Technical Director – Producer – Composer – Arranger.
Luise Grundmann
Has been working at various radios since she was a teenager. In addition to her work as a music journalist, since 2020 she has coordinated the music editorial team of Radio Corax, which grew out of the Indie-Re project. She not only reports about music, but is also a bandleader, singer and bass player in a female band and spins ghetto techno/house and punk as a DJ.
Niccolò Guffanti
Radio soundguy, totally into many of the audio world's shades, from broadcast to location sound, from post prod. to EM producing. As a pure music lover, he runs a night radio show packed with current interesting music, from indies to "well made" edm. Currently recording an alternative rock band LP. Radio Popolare.
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