IndieRE #102 by Civil Rádió, Budapest

6. 3. 2024 - 12.00

Oseminpetdeseta oddaja iz nove serije IndieRE 2.0. V seriji IndieRE v produkciji in mednarodni izmenjavi radijske vsebine sodelujemo ljubljanski Radio Študent, hrvaški Radio Student, francoska mreža Radio Campus, Radio Corax iz Halleja v Nemčiji, EMA-RTV iz Španije, irski Near FM, madžarski Civil Rádió in avstrijski Radio Helsinki.


The next episode of the Hungarian edition of the IndieRE Radio Show invites you once again on a very colourful musical journey. From jazz to breakbeat, there will be a wide variety of styles. With us will be Beton.Hofi, Platon Krataev, and doktorhokashi. You can also hear a part of a toldyuuso live act, where we also interviewed the guys. Stay tuned!


Featured artists/producers and labels:

Majré: facebook | instagram
Heavy Brain: facebook | instagram
Lóci Játszik: facebook | instagram
Volkova: facebook | instagram
Áron András: facebook | instagram
Antonia Vai: facebook | instagram
Platon Karataev: web | facebook
Bohemian Betyars: facebook | instagram
Moriones: facebook
Intim Torna Illegál: web | youtube
The Carbonfools: web | facebook
Beton.Hofi: youtube | instagram
toldyuuso: instagram
Margaret Island: web | instagram
Maluridé: youtube | facebook
doktorhokashi: facebook | instagram
iamyank: web | instagram



01 Majré – Kényelmetlen [3:31] (Kényelmetlen, Gold Record, 2024)
02 Heavy Brains – Túl kevés [3:25] (Tanult módszerek, self-released, 2024)
03 Lóci Játszik, Volkova – Rámszoknál [3:39] (Rámszoknál, Gold Record, 2024)
04 Áron András – Carolina [3:39] (The Moment, MMM Records, 2023)
05 Antonia Vai – Your Sadness Lives Here [3:42] (Your Sadness Lives Here, self-released, 2023)
06 Platon Karataev, Bohemian Betyars – Mezítláb [3:28] (Mezítláb, self-released, 2024)
07 Moriones – Késő van [2:36] (Késő van, Magneoton, 2024)
08 Intim Torna Illegál – Belélegezzelek [3:54] - (Belélegezzelek, ITI Music, 2024)
09 The Carbonfools – Lost My Cool [3:31] (Lost My Cool, Gold Record, 2023)
10 Beton.Hofi x Anubii$ - Tükörterem [3:20] (Nullaközöd/Tükörterem, Banana Records, 2023)
11 toldyuuso – guantanamera [2:59] (guantanamera, YUU, 2023)
12 toldyuuso – Radio X Liveact [3:00] (Rádió X – Bug Presents, self-released, 2024)
13 Margaret Island – Fúvom az énekem [3:16] (Idegszálaival, Gold Record, 2023)
14 Maluridé – Ág se húzza [3:34] (Ág se húzza, self-released, 2024)
15 doktorhokashi – Supernova Panic (iamyank remix) [5:32] (ugrbugr, Mana Mana Records, 2023)


Produced by Civil Rádió, Hungary.
Prepared, announced and mixed by Ákos Cserháti and Dániel Kemény.
Design by Jure Anžiček.


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