IndieRE #97 by Radio NOR, Neodvisni obalni radio, Koper – Capodistria, Slovenia

Recenzija izdelka
31. 1. 2024 - 12.00

Triinpetdeseta oddaja iz nove serije IndieRE 2.0. V seriji IndieRE v produkciji in mednarodni izmenjavi radijske vsebine sodelujemo ljubljanski Radio Študent, hrvaški Radio Student, francoska mreža Radio Campus, Radio Corax iz Halleja v Nemčiji, EMA-RTV iz Španije, irski Near FM, madžarski Civil Radio in avstrijski Radio Helsinki.


The 97th IndieRE radio show is hosted by the Independent Coastal Radio or Radio NOR, Neodvisni obalni radio, from the seaside town of Koper – Capodistria on the Istria peninsula. In this episode, we’ll focus on the new studio album Roadkill released by the stoner doom metal band Omega Sun, we’ll play a song from the family band Good Freddy and dive into the grunge sound of the band Paranoise. Then, we'll explore the dark depths of the obscure genre dubstep, with Gisaza, a local producer and DJ, and conclude the broadcast with an anonymous Christmas gift called Fantazima.


Featured artists/producers and labels:

Omega Sun: bandcamp | youtube | facebook | instagram
No Profit Recordings (label): web | bandcamp | youtube | facebook | instagram
Good Freddy: web | bandcamp | youtube | facebook | instagram
Paranoise: bandcamp | youtube | facebook | instagram
Gisaza: bandcamp | soundcloud | facebook | instagram
Fantazima: bandcamp



01 Omega sun – Black Dust [08:09] (Roadkill, No Profit Recordings, 2023)
02 Omega sun – Early Morning [05:21] (Roadkill, No Profit Recordings, 2023)
03 Good Freddy – Osebni razpad [02:50] (Brezno, self-released, 2022)
04 Paranoise – Clear Your Room [04:00] (Baffled Driver, self-released, 2023)
05 Gisaza – Freya [03:44] (Freya/No Time, self-released, 2023)
06 Fantazima – Novoletni okraski praznih ulic [02:53] (Fantazima, Štrigon Records, 2023)


Produced by Neodvisni obalni radio, Koper – Capodistria, Slovenia.
Prepared by Toni Bračanov and Natalija Gajić, announced by Natalija Gajić. Sound mixing by Jan Bajc Funa.
Design by Jure Anžiček.


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