IndieRE week: playlist #5 – Radio Corax, Halle (11.05–12.00)

13. 10. 2023 - 11.05

Each radio in the IndieRE project has prepared a special playlist of local music for the IndieRE week.

Independent Radio Exchange (IndieRE) is a project aimed to promote unrecognized local indie and urban music production across multiple European countries in order to increase transborder mobility of music creativity and improve the capacity of cultural operators for long-term, sustainable intercultural exchange.



01 Halbtal Deadline [bandcamp | web]

02 Jolle Wirtschaft Arbeit Tod [bandcamp | instagram]

03 CEL Eiweißangriff [bandcamp | web]

04 Ursula Dampfmaschine [bandcamp | instagram]

05 Cosey Mueller – Parallel Gekreuzt [bandcamp | instagram]

06 Left For PleasureFeel [bandcamp | instagram]

07 Nils KeppelWellblech [bandcamp | instagram]

08 Splizz Welle [bandcamp | instagram]

09 Sharizza Oma [bandcamp]

10 Whip Legs – Fire on the M [instagram]

11 B'schissnBeschisseeeeeen [bandcamp]

12 ST.UPID Watch me run! [bandcamp]

13 CAVA Toothache [bandcamp | instagram]

14 Sektion No Fun – Generation Y [bandcamp | instagram]

15 Team ScheisseSchmetterling [bandcamp | instagram]

16 Parking Lot – Unsung Hero [bandcamp]

17 Two BoysDubai [bandcamp]

18 Klinke UboBubo [bandcamp | instagram]


Music selected by Radio Corax, Halle, Germany.


V seriji IndieRE v produkciji in mednarodni izmenjavi radijske vsebine sodelujemo ljubljanski Radio Študent, hrvaški Radio Student, francoska mreža Campus FM, Radio Corax iz Halleja v Nemčiji, EMA-RTV iz Španije, irski Near FM, madžarski Civil Rádió in avstrijski Radio Helsinki.


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