Metal detektor: 2022

27. 12. 2022 - 22.00

Ker se 2022 bliža bridkemu koncu, bomo v zadnjem Metal detektorju letos podlegli kapitalistični skušnjavi in skušali v izbor Top 10 kategorizirati deset plošč, ki so najbolj navdušile v poslavljajočem se letu. 


TOP 10 (v naključnem zaporedju):

1. Dream Unending - Song of Salvation
2. Revocation - Netherheaven
3. Satan - Earth Infernal
4. Artificial Brain - Artificial Brain
5. Daeva - Through Sheer Will And Black Magic...
6. Predatory Light - Death and the Twilight Hours
7. Mysthirming - Með hamri
8. Wormrot - Hiss
9. Phobophilic - Enveloping Absurdity
10. Worm - Bluenothing


Častne omembe:

Negative Plane - The Pact...

Deathspell Omega - The Long Defeat

Undeath - It's Time... To Rise From The Grave

Messa - Close

Vacuous - Dreams of Dysphoria

Goatwhore - Angels Hung from the Arches of Heaven

Knoll - Metempiric

Altars - Ascetic Reflection


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