Metal detektor

22. 3. 2022 - 22.00

1 / Cryptic HatredNocturnal Sickness [The Other Records, 2022, Finska]

2 / Tormentor TyrantTormentor Tyrant [Everlasting Spew Records, 2022, Finska]

3 / Dungeon WeedThe Eye of the Icosahedron [Forbidden Place Records, 2022, ZDA]

4 / KostnatěníOheň Hoří Tam, Kde Padl [Mystískaos in Dissociative Visions, 2022, ZDA]

5 / KrvvlaX [Brucia Records, 2022, Belorusija]

6 / Purple DawnPeace & Doom Session Vol. II [Electric Valley Records, 2022, Nemčija]

7 / AeviterneThe Ailing Facade [Profound Lore Records, 2022, ZDA]

8 / Eight BellsLegacy of Ruin [Prophecy Productions, 2022, ZDA]

9 / Black Fucking CancerProcreate Inverse [Sentient Ruin Laboratories, 2022, ZDA]


Koncertni zapovednik:

sreda, 23. 3.: Ensanguinate, Iamdisease @ Channel Zero, Ljubljana [fb]

petek, 25. 3.: Metal Klavnica LVI.: Porn the Gore, Kholn, Britof @ Mikk, Murska Sobota

petek, 25.–26. 3.: Maister Festiball, 1. dan: Decair, In Heaven, Infernal Angels, Nihilo @ MC Patriot, Slovenske Konjice

petek, 25. 3.: An Evening of Doom: Mist, Chains @ Mostovna, Solkan [fb]

sobota, 26. 3.: Hak Attak, Špatula, Absurd @ Kontejnr, Postojna

sobota, 26. 3.: Maister Festiball, 2. dan: Uporabniki, Licence to Hate, Conventus Cerris, Decatholicize @ MC Patriot, Slovenske Konjice


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