Metal detektor

Recenzija izdelka
5. 4. 2022 - 22.00

1 / ExtinguishedVomitous Manifestations [Caligari Records, 2022, Finska]

2 / Father BefouledCrowned In Veneficum [Everlasting Spew Records, 2022, ZDA]

3 / Golgothan RemainsAdorned in Ruin [Brilliant Emperor Records in Sentient Ruin Laboratories, 2022, Avstralija]

4 / VelkaPurgatori Ignis Iudicium [Base Record Production in Necromance Records, 2021, Španija]

5 / xUntold SufferingxPromo 2022 [The Coming Strife Records & Nuclear Family Records, 2022, Velika Britanija]

6 / Jesus WeptPsychedelic Degeneracy [Redefining Darkness Records, 2022, ZDA]

7 / Dark CirclesFrantic Death [samozaložba, 2022, Kanada]

8 / Amaltheia Amaltheia [Godz ov War Productions, 2022, Velika Britanija/Grčija]

9 / Black Death CultDiaspora [Profound Lore Records, 2022, Kanada]

10 / EunoiaPsyop of the Year [Nefarious Industries, Tomb Tree Tapes in Zegema Beach Records, 2022, ZDA]

11 / Vimur – Transcendental Violence [Boris Records, 2022, ZDA]

12 / Thou NORCO Original Soundtrack [Vendetta Records/Sacred Bones Records, 2011/2022, ZDA]


Koncertni zapovednik:

torek, 5. 4.: Decline the Fall, Spirits of Stygia @ Channel Zero, Ljubljana [fb]

četrtek, 7. 4.: Riffeater: Omega Sun, Brutart, Spaceship Earth @ Klub Gromka, Ljubljana [fb]

četrtek, 7. 4.: Drown in Sulphur, Guyođ @ KC Pekarna, dvorana Gustaf, Maribor

petek, 8. 4.: Iamdisease & MeduzaleM @ Mostovna, Solkan [fb]

sobota, 9. 4.: Kvlt ov Seitan – Nine Black Torches: Demon Head, Slægt @ Klub Gromka, Ljubljana [fb]

sobota, 9. 4.: Pizdunov koncert: Dickless Tracy, Kavekanem, Enštalc @ Akd Pizdun, Kostanjek, Krško

sobota, 9. 4.: Distoržn: Moshead, Daimona, Dust Collector @ TrainStation SubArt, Kranj [fb]


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